CENTRAL PERSON OF HELLENIC (3 RD Kingdom) THINKING Socrates (470-399 BC) “Socrates was the first to call philosophy down from the heavens” - Cicero “Holy.


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Presentation transcript:

CENTRAL PERSON OF HELLENIC (3 RD Kingdom) THINKING Socrates ( BC) “Socrates was the first to call philosophy down from the heavens” - Cicero “Holy Socrates, pray for us” – Erasmus “The greatest teacher in European history” – Warner Jaeger “KNOW THYSELF”

SOV ETERNAL HOLY OMNIPO LOVE OMNIPR OMNIS IMMUT Revelation + Dominion “Instinct” + Guilt = Idolatry (re-engineering)

Shall I Bow To My Creator? YES! –ancient monotheism –ancient Israel –Bible –Fundamentalism CREATOR/creature –God || man | nature –everlasting distinctions PERSONAL SOVEREIGN –ultimate responsibility NO! –ancient myths –eastern religions –western philosophy –modern theology Continuity of Being –nature > gods > man –transmutation / evolution IMPERSONAL FATE / CHANCE –ultimate victimization

“ We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs....because we have a prior commitment to materialism....Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a divine foot in the door. ” Richard Lewontin, New York Review of Books Atheist population biologist

“It isn’t just that I don’t believe in God....It’s that I hope there is no God! I don’t want there to be a God; I don’t want the universe to be like that.” Thomas Nagel, The Last Word Atheist Philosophy Professor

“Universal History Project” Higher criticism “Happy” evangelism Value-neutral artistry Semantic manipulation

UNBELIEF SWALLOWING UP A BIT OF THE WORD OF GOD A portion of the Word of God presented to unbelief Unbelief reinterpreting the Word of God within its own categories “Unbelief controls my interpretation of the situation”

“For God = The Allah of the Qur’an, who is great (& unknowable) and merciful (& unpredictable), Creator of the Universe, Master of His slaves. so loved the world = The Muslim has no concept of God’s agape love for sinners. Allah only loves those who submit to Him and the Prophet. that He gave His only begotten Son, = Muslim response: “May Allah forgive you for this blasphemy! Allah does not beget! Nor would He become man! Why should Allah do such a thing? Man is basically good, though weak, needing guidance, not redemption. Jesus [pbuh] was not crucified. Allah would never allow a great prophet like Jesus [pbuh] to endure such a shameful death!” that whoever believes in Him, = Most common reaction: “We believe in Jesus and all the prophets! Why don’t you believe the final Prophet?” Or as a highly acclaimed Muslim PhD commented on this part of John 3:16: “What happens to the people who were born and died before God decided to concoct this charade only 2000 years ago? It seems that the Christian God is a poor planner and a late thinker because it took him thousands if not millions of years to find a way of forgiving ‘the sins’ of mankind.” should not perish, = “What arrogance! No one can know their fate! Only God knows. On Judgment Day my good and bad will be weighed to determine if I have earned Allah’s favor.” but have eternal life.” = “You mean I’ll enter a garden of sensual delights, if I am worthy. Oh, you poor Bible-believers! Your Book is utterly corrupted. Only the glorious Qur’an is perfect and preserved. Revert to Islam!”

SOV ETERNAL HOLY OMNIPO LOVE OMNIPR OMNIS IMMUT Revelation + Dominion “Instinct” + Guilt = Idolatry (re-engineering)

CENTRAL PERSON OF HELLENIC (3 RD Kingdom) THINKING Socrates ( BC) “Socrates was the first to call philosophy down from the heavens” - Cicero “Holy Socrates, pray for us” – Erasmus “The greatest teacher in European history” – Warner Jaeger “KNOW THYSELF”

Shall I Bow To My Creator? YES! –ancient monotheism –ancient Israel –Bible –Fundamentalism CREATOR/creature –God || man | nature –everlasting distinctions PERSONAL SOVEREIGN –ultimate responsibility NO! –ancient myths –eastern religions –western philosophy –modern theology Continuity of Being –nature > gods > man –transmutation / evolution IMPERSONAL FATE / CHANCE –ultimate victimization

Empiricism Endless data & experiences Licentiousness Anarchy chaos skepticism depression pessimism Rationalism Universal categories Legalism Totalitarianism order certitude mania optimism Self- sufficient man God-conscious Guilty conscience Fear of judgment

Empiricism Endless data & experiences Licentiousness Anarchy chaos skepticism depression pessimism Rationalism Universal categories Legalism Totalitarianism order certitude mania optimism Self- sufficient man God-conscious Guilty conscience Fear of judgment

THE NATURE OF REASONING Logical Rules PropositionsConclusions

Logical Fallacy of Scientific Induction If “p”, then “q” “q” is true Therefore “p” is true If [millions of years of sedimentation], then [sedimentary rock layers] [Sedimentary rock layers] exist Therefore [millions of years of sedimentation] “assertion of the consequent” or “the generalization fallacy”

Empiricism Endless data & experiences Licentiousness Anarchy chaos skepticism depression pessimism Rationalism Universal categories Legalism Totalitarianism order certitude mania optimism Self- sufficient man God-conscious Guilty conscience Fear of judgment

Empiricism Endless data & experiences Licentiousness Anarchy chaos skepticism depression pessimism Rationalism Universal categories Legalism Totalitarianism order certitude mania optimism Self- sufficient man God-conscious Guilty conscience Fear of judgment