European Union (EU) Instructional Approach(s): Introduction Slide.


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Presentation transcript:

European Union (EU) Instructional Approach(s): Introduction Slide

The European Union was established in 1993. What does union mean? Why would European countries want a union? Instructional Approach(s): Ask the class what the word union means [join, combine, bond, unite, etc]. Then ask the class the next question. The map should serve as a springboard for the conversation. The teacher may want to question the class about events that would make the countries want to unite [the world wars]. How would a union make things better?

Essential Question: How has the European Union (EU) had an impact on Europe? Standard: SS6CG5b. Describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the essential question for the lesson and the standard that aligns to the essential question.

The European Union (EU) has 28 member nations. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide.

Use your Graphic Organizer Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should give each student a copy of the European Union Notes handout [linked on the curriculum map] to record important information during the lesson.

To create a peaceful, stable environment between European countries Purposes of the EU: To create a peaceful, stable environment between European countries Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

To promote free trade among members leading to one common market Purposes of the EU: To promote free trade among members leading to one common market Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

To help ensure the safety and security of member nations Purposes of the EU: To help ensure the safety and security of member nations Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

Purposes of the EU: To cooperate and assist each other in social issues (e.g., preserving the environment, protecting human rights) Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

Accomplishment of the EU: The establishment of a single currency called the euro makes trade easier, more efficient, and less costly because countries do not have to worry about currency exchange. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

How Does the EU Affect You? Activity How does the EU Affect You? YouTube version Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should show the video linked on the slide and then follow the directions on the How Does the EU Affect You? Activity [linked on the curriculum map].

Turn to an elbow partner and discuss the question below: Explain the impact removing tariffs and lifting border controls has on Europe’s economy. Instructional Approach(s): Have students turn to a partner and discuss the question on the slide. Partners can be determined by the students or the teacher can provide more specific directions such as turn to the person directly in front/behind you or to the right/left of you, etc. It may be necessary to have a group of three if you have an uneven number of students. Do not allow more than 30 seconds to 1 minute of discussion time. The teacher should be walking around listening and redirecting discussions as needed. The teacher can briefly discuss student responses.

EU Benefits: Removing tariffs and lifting border controls has led to greatly improved trade a higher standards of living among members. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

Member Relationships: The EU has built a strong relationship between its member nations. Countries are helping each other financially, environmentally, and socially. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes.

The European Union is an example of a Confederation. Why? Think, Pair, Share The European Union is an example of a Confederation. Why? Instructional Approach(s): Have students turn to a partner and discuss the question on the slide. Partners can be determined by the students or the teacher can provide more specific directions such as turn to the person directly in front/behind you or to the right/left of you, etc. It may be necessary to have a group of three if you have an uneven number of students. Do not allow more than 30 seconds to 1 minute of discussion time. The teacher should be walking around listening and redirecting discussions as needed. The teacher can briefly discuss student responses. A confederation is a loose alliance where political units control their own laws, but a central government makes decisions only on issues that affect the entire group.

EU Summarizer: Describe the purpose of the European Union and the relationship between member nations. Instructional Approach(s): Each student should complete the summarizer. The teacher should use the summarizer to determine the level of student mastery and if differentiation is needed.