& Class Discussion
People make hundreds of choices every day that effect their health. The way adults contract most diseases is by catching them from somebody else? You can make yourself physically younger or older by the way you choose to live? Accidents are among the major leading cause of death for teenagers? To give up a harmful health habit, all you need is the motivation to do so?
Lifestyle Choices- Decisions we make each day that can influence health and wellness Lifestyle Diseases – Result of poor choices. Infectious Diseases – Passed from one person to another
A hundred years ago what were the diseases that killed many Americans? 1. 2. 3. What are the most common diseases that kill Americans in this era? 1 2 3
A hundred years ago what were the diseases that killed many Americans? 1. FLU 2. TB -Tuberculosis 3. Pneumonia What are the most common diseases that kill Americans in this era? 1. Cardiovascular Disease 2. Cancer 3. HIV
Physiological Age – Age you are based on lifestyle choices you make Chronological Age – Actual Age Life Expectancy – How long a person is expected to live Centenarian – A person that reaches the age of 100 or more The next slides are a Life choice inventory quiz.
Everyone starts off with the age of 74 Read Questions and either add or subtract years given to each question.
1 – If your routine activities require regular vigorous activity or you work out each day Add 3years If you don’t subtract 3 years
2 – If you have a relaxed approach to life (roll with the punches) Add 3 years If your aggressive, ambitious, or nervous (bite your nails) Subt 3 years
3 - High blood pressure is a major cause of common killers like heart attacks and strokes. However most victims didn’t know they had it. If you check your blood pressure each month Add 1 year If not subtract 1 year
4 – If any grandparent or great grandparent has reached the age of 85. Add 2 years If two or more have reached 85 add 6 years
5 – If your parents have had a stroke, heart attack Subtract – 6 years If your parents, siblings have diabetes Subt 3 years
6 – Smoking seriously damages health Cigarette smokers who finish 2 or more packs a day Subt 8 year One or two packs a day subt 6 year One pack or less a day subt 3
7- The best plan is to abstain from drinking alcohol. Adults who drink 2 or more drinks a day subt 1 year If you don’t drink alcohol add 1 year
8 -Woman live generally longer than males. Females add 3 years Males subtract 3 years Yes I know this is unfair!!!!!
9 – If you avoid eating fatty foods and don’t add salt to your meals your heart will be healthier If you avoid these add 2 years If you eat fatty foods 3 or more times a week subtract 3 years
This is based on your weight. If your doctor or fitness gram charts say you are overweight by: 50 pounds subtract 8 years 30 to 40 pounds over subtract 4 10 to 29 pounds subtract 2 If you are at your ideal weight add 4 years
Starting with the age of 74 use your simple math to figure out the life expectancy you might have. Explain why some of these questions are out of your control.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
What is the difference between MOTIVATION and DRIVE?
Motivation – What makes you do something Drive – Born with….instinctive things all living things do to survive.
1. How big is the reward 2. How soon will reward come? 3. What risks or consequences are there to obtain reward? 4. How likely is reward to happen and at what price?
1 Identify what you want to work on 2 State three or four specific behaviors that will help you achieve your goal (Write them down) 3 Identify steps you’ll have to take to get ready 4 Commit to a specific time to get ready 5 Set up a chart on which you can measure your progress 6 Plan rewards for yourself that fit the goal you’ve chosen
When attempting to change you must attempt things at least three times before you attempt something else. Don’t quit after you do not have success the first time
Commitment – decision adhered to for the long term, a promise kept Will – persons intent, which leads to action Self- Efficacy – a persons belief in ability to succeed at tasks at hand