Remarks by Mark Pearson Independent Community Bankers Nashville, Tennessee March 12, 2012
Gross Fed. Debt FY-1900 to FY-2016 Source:
U.S. National Debt Source: U.S. Treasury, CBO
Thoughts on the World Economy Source: CIA Factbook $71.25 trillion – Global GDP $14.89 trillion – EU GDP $14.72 trillion – U.S. GDP $9.87 trillion – China GDP $4.33 trillion – Japan GDP $4.04 trillion – India GDP
U.S. GDP – FY2004-FY2014 Source:
World Real GDP Growth Source: Int’l Monetary Fund
U.S. Consumer Confidence Source: University of Michigan
New Housing Starts Source: U.S. Census of Bureau
Source: U.S. Census Bureau Manufacturers’ New Orders
DJIA Five-Year Performance Source:
10-Year Treasury Note Yield Source:
Five-Year U.S. Dollar Index Source: NYBOT
Source: Five-Year Gold Prices
10-Year Prime Rate Source:
Inflation Adjusted Farmland Values Source: Chicago Federal Reserve
Repayment Capacity Source: ERS, USDA d
Farm Sector Debt Ratios Source: ERS, USDA
Farm Sector Equity Source: ERS, USDA d
Farm Sector Business Debt Source: ERS, USDA
Light Sweet Crude Oil Source: NYMEX
China’s Total Primary Energy Consumption, Source: Int’l Energy Outlook
China’s Demand for Oil Imports Source: Int’l Energy Outlook
China Flex Its Military Muscles Source:
Vital Maritime Chokepoints Source: EIA
Projected World Population 2050 Source: U.S. Census Bureau
World Population Density
World Population Growth Rate Source: CIA Factbook
“Youth Bulge” Population Impact Source: Stanford Center for Longevity Pakistan Iran Afghanistan Millions
Median Age in Mideast Hot Spots Source: Stanford Center for Longevity Pakistan Iran 20 Afghanistan
10-Year Corn Prices Source: NASS
10-Year Soybean Prices Source: NASS
10-Year Wheat Prices Source: NASS
10-Year Cattle Prices Source: NASS
10-Year Hog Prices Source: NASS
10-Year Cotton Prices Source: NASS