PCG Education Helping Florida Schools and Districts Successfully Transition to the Florida Standards Palm Beach Charter School Administrators
Does your staff know… How to Design Instruction Around the Standards, the Instructional Shifts, and Essential Questions? How to Support Students in Close Reading of Complex Text, Academic Language, and Text-based Discussion? How to Support Students in Research and Writing on Demand with Evidence from multiple sources? How to Create Aligned Units, Lessons and Assessments; and Teach it all with Rigor? How to Support Students in the Math Practice and Content Standards? This slide provides a visual showing how the topics for the professional development modules fit together. Briefly explain to participants. www.pcgeducation.com
Public Consulting Group 4/22/2017 What are you seeing in…? School Data Lesson Plans Classroom Walk-through Instruction Curriculum & Assessments PLC/Team Meetings This slide has animation: the entire arrow will come in on the mouse click. Each component identified on the slide can help to ensure rigor. www.pcgeducation.com www.publicconsultinggroup.com
TEACHER as Facilitator What Should You See? Instructional Resources aligned to the Standards Instructional Strategies grounded in the “Essential 3” Deeper Knowledge Academic Rigor High level texts, resources, language Teacher AND student Engagement Students engaged in work TEACHER as Facilitator Demonstration of Deeper Knowledge Differentiating Instruction for teaching and learning Collaboration Students- demonstration of knowledge, ability to synergize and learn with/from others Staff/Leaders- Cross Curricular, thematic units: PLC’s
Essential 3: After determining FL Standards being addressed- look for evidence of any of these instructional elements in every lesson
Real-life Application: Recent “Walkthroughs” PCG Education 4/22/2017 Real-life Application: Recent “Walkthroughs” Successes Transitioning towards standards implementation: Close reading- stopping to dig deeper with text. Complex texts, etc. Peer review of work, group collaboration Student centered work Seamless integration of technology. Activities based on thematic lessons/activities Demonstration of knowledge Documentation of textual/further evidence Reading linked to writing and discussion www.pcgeducation.com
Real-life Application: Recent “Walkthroughs” Challenges Engagement: Call and response Limited engagement, demonstration of knowledge Does not differentiate for various learning styles ELL, ESE, etc. Post its? Everyone write answer in journal first! Collaboration Lack of protocols/norms for group work Lack of Outcomes Deeper Knowledge Textual evidence “Bunnies are cute because…” Allow students to show their knowledge in a variety of ways with a variety of solutions Word process and test-based computer skills- we can’t get everyone on the computer
Where do we start? Review what is in place and alignment of PD, curriculum, instruction, and assessment 2. Review high quality units and lessons in discipline specific areas www.engageny.org www.americaachieves.org www.commoncoresuccess.elschools.org 3. Review multiple videos aligned to the standards www.teachingchannel.org 4. Engage staff in the no cost Blended Learning Modules
Blended Learning Model Web- Based Courses Onsite Follow Up Supporting the transition to the Florida Standards Courses available on CPALMS CHARTER; for teachers to learn at their own time and place Approximately 1 – 3 hours PCG staff goes on-site to charter schools Provide face-to-face professional development; work with grade levels, departments, and/or leadership teams; provide coaching and technical assistance. www.pcgeducation.com
On-Site Coaching Flexibility On-Site Sessions May Include: Professional Development On-line Course Follow Up Action Planning Classroom Walkthroughs Session Availability: PD Days Early Release After School Saturday Sessions www.pcgeducation.com
Web-based Course Strands 1. Teachers K-5 and 6-12 Web-based Course Strands 1. Teachers K-5 and 6-12 * ELA/ Discipline Literacy * ELA Foundations * Mathematics 2. Administrators 3. Leadership Teams 4. Diverse Populations 5. Governing Boards www.pcgeducation.com
Sessions for Teachers Including K-5 and 6-12 Data for Teachers Data Use 1 Data Use 2 ELA/Literacy FL Standards ELA- Instructional Shifts FL Standards ELA- UDL/Adaptations ELA & Assessment Mathematics FL Standards Math- Practice Standards FL Standards Math- Content Standards Math & Assessment New! *Reading Foundations *Writing to Sources *Struggling Readers 4-12 www.pcgeducation.com
Sessions for Leadership Teams Public Consulting Group 4/22/2017 Sessions for Leadership Teams Tools and Team Strategies for Change Management Focus on Developing and Monitoring an Implementation Plan Self-Assessment Gap Analysis Action Planning Managing Change Progress Monitoring Sustainability Briefly describe the past year long learning from the Charter Leadership Teams Modules. www.pcgeducation.com www.publicconsultinggroup.com
Sessions for School Leaders ADMINISTRATORS Using Data ELA and Math Standards Assessment, What to Look For, & Academic Optimism Teacher Evaluation VAM & Academic Rigor www.pcgeducation.com
New On-line Courses for 2015-2016 School Year New Blended Learning Course Offerings With Follow On Coaching Supporting Students with Disabilities in Standards Based Instruction in ELA & Literacy (K-5 & 6-12) Supporting Students with Disabilities in Standards Based Instruction in Mathematics (K-5 & 6-12) Standards-based Goals and IEP Development (K-5 & 6-12) Supporting English Language Learners in Standards Based Instruction in ELA & Literacy (K-5 & 6-12) and Mathematics (K-5 & 6-12) Best Practices for Supporting Students in Writing to Sources (K-5 & 6-12) Best Practices in Foundational Skills: Creating Accurate Readers (K-5) Best Practices in Foundational Skills: Creating Fluent and Skillful Readers (K--5) Best Practices in Creating Fluent and Skillful Secondary Readers (4-12) www.pcgeducation.com
Introduction to Paths to College and Career ELA Core Curriculum for Grades 6 - 12
Paths to College and Career: PCG Education’s Grades 6-12 ELA Curriculum Paths enhances the EngageNY curriculum, making it more accessible and usable for teachers and students Paths is a national curriculum Paths is a cost-effective print ELA curriculum that pairs exceptional instructional resources with high quality professional development Client Tip: Don’t be shy about making the EngageNY connection. We should take advantage of the good publicity that ENY has received, but also be careful not to brand Paths as EngageNY. Grades 6-8 developed by Expeditionary Learning, a PCG subcontractor. PCG owns the copyright to the EngageNY.org modules. www.pcgeducation.com | Understanding Paths to College and Career: PCG Education's Grades 6-12 ELA Curriculum
What are Paths’ Core Components? Planning materials for teachers Reproducibles for teachers to use Resources for students Introduction to the program Curriculum maps Module and unit overviews Lesson plans Tools & handouts, including: Blank tools Model tools Scaffolded tools (for use as needed) Rubrics & checklists Assessment sheets Curriculum texts Tools & handouts Rubrics & checklists Assessment sheets Curriculum texts This organization is a distinct advantage to Paths. All the organizational work is done for the teacher in terms of sorting resources. Additional features of the content: Daily lesson plans (including teacher actions and student responses to TDQs and assessments) Module, unit, and lesson assessments Model student responses Vocabulary words and definitions Scaffolding recommendations for students with disabilities, English language learners, and accelerated learners Homework assignments Supplemental modules of instruction to ensure students’ diverse learning needs are met PCG CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT SERVICES www.pcgeducation.com | Understanding Paths to College and Career: PCG Education's Grades 6-12 ELA Curriculum
Thanks and we hope to see you soon! If there are dates set for the next professional development session this would be a great time to share that information.
PCG Florida Facilitators Dr. Evan Lefsky elefsky@pcgus.com Julie McEachin jmceachin@pcgus.com Debra Berlin dberlin@pcgus.com