Curriculum Design for Artists. Tapping into Creativity For those who are inspiring young artists.
Graphic Design 2 Elements of Art 1.Line 2.Color. 3.Value 4.Shape and Form 5.Space. 6.Texture
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture One of the enjoyable aspects of seeing is to respond to the rich variety of surfaces that we encounter in daily living. It is hard to image what life would be like if everything we looked at had the same surface look and feel. One of the prime ingredients of surface quality is texture.
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture Creative artists not only portray textures but also skillfully invent them to enhance their ideas. The textures of shapes, and values can heighten the intensity of artwork.
David Carson
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture Texture denotes a material’s characteristic physical structure.Texture denotes a material’s characteristic physical structure. Woven fabrics, for instance, have particular textured surfaces. For instance touch your shirts. What does it feel like?Woven fabrics, for instance, have particular textured surfaces. For instance touch your shirts. What does it feel like? The texture readily identifies the material; for example, glass is smooth and slick and sand is gritty.The texture readily identifies the material; for example, glass is smooth and slick and sand is gritty.
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture As artists we experience two kinds of textures, real and implied.
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture Real textures are those that we actually see and touch in our environment. Real textures have both the look and feel. Look around you. What has real texture? Visual texture is the real thing. Real texture cannot be represented here because a computer screen, even with the highest quality photographs can only create simulate textures.
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture Graphic Artists use paper to print most of their work. There are all kinds of textured paper. This changes your design. The viewer can interact with your design by touching the textured paper.
Graphic Design 2 Element of Art - Texture Artists can manipulate paint with brushes, knives and tools to produce texture. The paint can be applied thick in areas so that is stands up for the surface. It may be worked to create actual texture, the kind you feel with your hands. Again real texture is defined by seeing and touching.
Element of Art - Texture Implied textures. Most of the pictures you cut out of the magazines were implied textures. They have the look of the textures, but they do not feel like that texture should feel.