Care & Share Public Consultation on the ITU Strategy
Content Proposal & Concept Resolution Benefits
Proposal & Concept
… and Yes, the Concept is very Clear. “Show Care by Sharing What’s Excessive”
Proposal & Concept You will come across Hundreds of things in your day-to-day life that are of no use to you, but they might mean Everything (yes EVERYTHING!) to someone else Had a Party at Home? Numerous Dishes Served the Guests? 30% of which was wasted? Ever thought of those people, who have never tasted a Freshly Baked Bread? Who have turned so Weak that they cant even Ask for Food? Who might be Hunting for Food that you have thrown in the Trashcan?
Proposal & Concept You will come across Hundreds of things in your day-to-day life that are of no use to you, but they might mean Everything (yes EVERYTHING!) to someone else “Ohh! I just don’t have anything to wear” is a common statement that every woman gives, standing in front of a wardrobe loaded with Designer Dresses. Ever thought of the kids, who have never seen a Warm Coat? Who don’t even have a pair of sock to cover their feet ? People who still use jute leaves to cover their naked body?
Proposal & Concept You will come across Hundreds of things in your day-to-day life that are of no use to you, but they might mean Everything (yes EVERYTHING!) to someone else “Dad! Its weekend, we have to, we have to, we so have to go to the beach” are the best childhood beginnings of a Fun Weekend. Have you ever thought of the families, whose Sole Bread Earner is bed-ridden due to kidney failure? A mother lost her Young Son in the hands of Unavailability of O+ve blood?
Proposal & Concept We can Help them We can Save them We can show Care towards them by Sharing what We Have and what They Need Express your Gratefulness to God for keeping you at the Giving End (and not the Receiving End)
Smart Phone Application That helps you: Share Things that you have Search for Things that People Need See things shared by people and Connect Them to those who need things Ask for Things that someone needs Extra Features: Sell New Stuff Buy New Stuff Find Share Sell Buy
Smart Phone Application The application will act as a Bridge between the Donor and the Needy Needy Might not come directly to the application, but those with a Caring Heart will keep a Track of Posted Stuff; Regularly or Occasionally Need and Donation will be shared on Social Media and hence people can access updated information People who use this application can mark Needy people's location, so the donors can find them with convenience Find Share Sell Buy
Application Usage 1.Anyone can Download the Application for Free 2.Register by providing your Basic Information i.e. Name, Contact Number and Location (Address, City and Country) 3.Registered user can add Details about stuff 1.Food has a limited lifespan, hence availability time will be marked 4.The details will be shared with 1.The application 2.Facebook & Twitter 5.Anyone can come across the Posted Details (and if they know, it is of use to someone) they can contact the Sharer or the Needy CASE – 1: Share
Application Usage 1.Anyone can Download the Application for Free 2.Register by providing your Basic Information i.e. Name, Contact Number and Location (Address, City and Country) 3.Registered user use the Location and Category parameters to search for the stuff that is needed 4.Search results will be displayed along with 1.Sharer Name 2.Contact Details 3.Shared Stuff Details 5.Details can be shared with the Needy (or used) CASE – 2: Find
Application Usage The Registered User can post the stuff that he/someone else needs The categories can be added by the users (depending upon the things that they are sharing or asking for) It can be anything Necessity (Blood / Food / Clothing) Donation Books / Toys / Household Items Joint Taxi Ride (Fare Share)
Application Usage Angel Transporters : A Registered User has something to donate but does not have the resources to reach the Needy, they can mark things as “Available” so that someone else can pick and drop it off. If the Government’s Support is earned, the Governmental Courier Service can serve the needful with a greater sense of dedication Donation Points : Donors or Transporters can drop the stuff at the NGOs/Charities that are active in that area or the UNO Management Centers or Respective Embassies to help local foreigners Pick Up and Delivery Note: Scope of this application isn’t global. It’s a metropolitan based application. Targeted to get charities in your vicinity.
Utility & Benefits In One Phrase “This Application will Make World, a Better Place to Live” By Raising the Standards of Humanity Doubtlessly “Global Warming” and “Pollution” are major problems, but we are solving them for WHOM? Humans? Let’s Help other Humans to Survive the Life that God has blessed Everyone with.
Raise Your Hands to Raise the Standard of Human Life I Thank You All