Assigning PowerPoint NCCS Professional Development Eric Curts
Introduction 8Why assign PowerPoint? 8Examples of student work 8Before the project 8Teaching the students to use PowerPoint 8While students are working on the project 8During the presentation 8Grading rubrics
Reasons to Assign PowerPoint 8Force students to organize 8Force students to prepare 8Easy to share with many people in different locations 8Increase a useful skill 8Easy to transfer 8Quick to make compared to other mediums 8Motivating for students 8Outlet for creativity 8Easy to incorporate info from the Internet
Reasons to Assign PowerPoint 8Good for students that are not gifted in art 8Portability for grading 8Encourages research 8Presentations can be very professional and enjoyable
Examples of student work 8Examples from last year
Before the project 8Evaluate the tech level of your students (and you) 8Use the Technology Level Survey 8You should feel comfortable with PowerPoint, but do not need to be an expert 8Grouping students 8Match high tech skill students with lower tech skill students
Before the project 8Showing them examples 8Helps them see what is expected and possible 8Making storyboards 8Help to save time in lab 8Use PowerPoint Storyboards
Teaching the students to use PowerPoint 8More students are proficient in this from our computer apps classes. 8Students can be done in the lab. You should set aside one class period for this. 8Our Using PowerPoint quick guide can be given to them. Let me know if you need more copies.
While students are working on the project 8Suggestions for a good presentation 8Small amount of text on each slide 8Large font size (32 pt.) 8Background, sounds, animations, images should not distract from content 8Where and when? 8Lab, library, classroom, home 8Only 1 or 2 days used from class time
While students are working on the project 8What might go wrong 8Floppy disks get damaged easily. Should save copy to hard drive or file server. 8Can be limited access to lab, scanners, digital cameras, etc. Need to plan ahead. 8Presentation may not fit on one disk. Use Pack and Go to split it up onto several disks.
While students are working on the project 8Deadlines 8Set several due dates during process to keep them on track.
During their presentations 8Equipment to use 8Data projector, laptop, file server 8Concerns 8Students may rely on PowerPoint too much and may not talk enough or make eye contact.
Grading rubrics 8We have many examples we have collected 8We are creating a district-wide rubric 8Each rubric will have different items to match your project 8Rubric needs to emphasize content 8Dont be wowed by PowerPoint