F, 66y/o, physical check 11
Ans : Intrathoracic goiter
F, 73y/o, fever 12
Ans : Miliary TB
M, 47y/o, Dry cough 13
Ans : Sarcoidosis, stage II
M, 35y/o, cough for one week 14
Ans: Pulmonary embolism with pulmonary infarct
Male aged 61. Asymptomatic. Hypertension at routine examination. BP. 240/130. Systolic murmur and absent femoral pulses. ECG left ventricular hypertrophy. 35
Ans: coarctation of aortic arch
An 11-year old female who presents to the emergency department with a chief complaint of coughing up blood. 36
Ans: Scimitar Syndrome
A 72-year-old man, treated for hypertension and type II diabetes, presented with a few months history of inferior limbs edema, legs ulcerations, weight gain (4–5 kg in the last 2 months), abdominal tension, and gradually increasing dyspnea. 37
Ans : restrictive pericarditis
A 72-year-old female is admitted to the hospital with increasing leg edema and weakness. 38
Ans: pulmonary embolism