Art and Development Emerging Leadership
Putting one idea into action Find paper, pen, pencils, coloured markers Make a column on the right hand third Label it “Ideas, Observations, Inspiration” Doodle, draw, make marks as we go along Wow
Take away I can use this to help me …
Why art and leadership? Shift from Information Age to Conceptual Age Art and artistic process use more of the brain than analytical processes Art uses multiple intelligences Leadership is not a mechanical operation it is an art form built on something deeper and intangible.
Abilities of Conceptual Age Dan Pink “A Whole New Mind” Storytelling Play Empathy Symphony Design Meaning.
5% of the brain “The brain knows more than the conscious mind reveals.” Antonio Damasio, neuropsychologist from The Leader’s Brain by Bastiaan Heemsbergen
“The Art of Business” “All of us – business executives and artists, audiences and consumers – benefit from seeing the world with both an aesthetic sensibility and a strategic bent.” “When you see yourself as an artist everything you do can be a work of art – planning strategies, developing technologies, creating new products, working in teams and serving customers” – Davis and McIntosh
Artists use: Observation –– Artists see not look – notice angles, spatial relationships, what’s actually there. Noticing – what is the quality of what’s there including noticing inner awareness Being present – an artist brings total focus to what’s at hand Fully engaged – head, heart, body awareness – passion – no tentative gestures Grounded – state management Pattern recognition and use of pattern making – creating repetition for effective results Reflection – creating time and space around your work
Artist’s use: Visioning – having a vision of what you want and then being able to be in the process and let go of your vision enough to let things emerge Process important not just product – be willing to fail and use it as a catalyst Flow – intention to create a flow state – setting stage to allow that to happen Curiosity and wonder Play – bottom line focus alone never gets the results that openness, freshness, a light touch and wonder do Metaphor - storytelling
Artist practices Practice, practice, practice Sketch “Put gas in the tank” Create environments Trust - Risk Spend time- creativity, emergence, reflection Manage feed back Use movement and perspective
Try this Use objects to represent aspects of current situation – place them on a table to show the way things are - move them around until you find what works – What do you need to do to make that happen? Use simple shapes or symbols even stick figures to sketch a current situation you are working on. What do you notice? Make another sketch shifting elements to show how you want it. What would have to happen? Try this now for your self. Have a conversation through mark making. Take turns with another person or by changing hands. What is the story that goes with it? Have different coloured pens, paper and post it notes. Write about a current situation using all three as the spirit moves you. Doodle and have a 2nd column for note taking in meetings
Collage & Insight Portraits
Art for art’s sake Book covers Journals Illustrate concepts ATTENTION Reiss Desire Profile