Deputy Director – STEM K-12 Outreach L. Jane Hansen AIAA Director, Region VI Past DD / Past Chair STEM K-12 Outreach Committee Lisa Bacon Program Manager, Precollege Programs
Deputy Director (DD) for STEM K-12 Outreach First... Thank YOU for taking on this responsibility as a DD in your region! Second, as DD for STEM K-12 Outreach you are member of the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Standing Committee (program type organization) Third, as DD STEM K-12 Outreach in your Region, are the conduit for helping sections (through the STEM K-12 Outreach officer OR the Section Chair) to create a bridge from technical professional to educators and ultimately to the children (functional type organization) 2
The STEM K-12 Outreach Committee As DD for STEM K-12 Outreach you are member of the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Standing Committee and should participate in committee meetings – including several teleconferences and face-to-face meeting (January /SciTech (ASM)) Participate in creating committee branded, signature events such as Engineers as Educators (EasE) and the Educator Academy (EA) Develop and run Regional STEM K-12 Outreach programs such as Committee Signature Events / Help implement these at the section level as well Review AIAA Foundation Classroom Grants (quarterly) Review Harry Staubs Precollege Award submissions (yearly) Review the AIAA Foundation Educator Achievement Award (every other year) Bring Section STEM K-12 Outreach issues to AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Committee Provide STEM K-12 content for the Region Website 3
4 STEM K-12 Outreach Committee -- Mission Statement The mission of the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Committee is to create a learning environment for all children that nurtures a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); and promotes a lifelong interest in pursuing aerospace related careers. fun interactive hands-on
5 Announcements Calendar
6 Committee Goals and Objectives Inspire K-12 students to pursue and enjoy STEM learning through aerospace Establish and maintain communication links between the professional membership and the K-12 education community Provide guidance and training for value added activities and lesson plans for sections and members to use in K-12 outreach opportunities, such as education/classroom interaction, scout activities, section events Develop key signature events that are branded by AIAA and used in every section Nurture the Educator Associates (EAs) by providing: Meaningful benefits for EAs (newsletter, contacts, in-classroom visits, mentoring) Aerospace education technical resources Professional development opportunities
7 Achieving the Committee Goals Provide leadership for section folks that are interested in STEM K-12 Outreach Interface with the K-12 education initiatives of other organizations Within AIAA, interacting with Technical Activities, Public Policy, Student Activities, Membership and Young Professional Committees Within other professional societies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies Develop and support AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Signature Events. Engineers as Educators Educators Academy. Foster science, technology, engineering & math (STEM) education by developing interactive hands-on curricula that align to the National Standards and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Engineers as Educators (EasE) Many engineers do not volunteer to visit classrooms because they are frightened of presenting to young children or dont know what to say EasE was created to help engineers feel more confident so that they will more likely volunteer by providing: Overview of what level of discussion is appropriate for varying levels of students Hands-on activities that can be used to demonstrate various concepts in the classroom Expected results of the discussion and associated activities that have been presented Originally EasE was presented by several master teachers at conferences and when requested, at section events NOW, the focus of EasE has shifted to training trainers at the section level so that more classes can be conducted at the section/grassroots level As DD STEM K-12 Outreach you should promote EasE to the sections in your region – maybe even teach a class! 8
Educator Academy The concept of Educator Academy is to give teachers resources that will allow them to effectively present STEM concept in their classroom, using an Aerospace based model Three Different Curriculum Modules: Mars Rover Celebration : Students design and build a Mars Rover to carry out a specific science mission on the surface of Mars. Electric Cargo Planes : Students design and build an electric cargo plane that carries the maximum amount of payload Space Weather Balloons : Students design and build a space weather balloon to collect data Grade Levels: 3-5 and 6-8 Contact: Dr. Edgar Bering University of Houston Grade Levels: 6-8 and 9-12 Contact: Mr. Tom Milnes JHU Applied Physics Lab Grade Levels: 9-12 Contact: Dr. Ben Longmier University of Michigan 9
Classroom Grants (individual / section level) 10 Each year the AIAA Foundation sets aside some funds to be used in the AIAA FoundationClassroom Grant program $12,000 in total from October 2012 – September 2013 Up to $250 each grant Limit 2 grants per school per calendar year Each grant proposal requires the Educator Associated to fill out a request form Provides data in a standard format and provides teachers with guidance on how much information is needed There is check list on side of form – for both the applicant and you as a reviewer Clear description of what types of activities are supported AND what is not supported by grants Your job is to review the forms via the website, and approve or disapprove on the funding request Review requests come every 2 months with about 10 – 15 requests available for review It takes about 5 – 7 minutes to review one request
11 Classroom Grants
Classroom Grant Rubric The project description is clear and complete. (25 points) The description must clearly detail impact on enhancing student learning of STEM principles. The project has a clear connection to aerospace (25 points) The proposal must describe how the lesson plans enhance student awareness of aerospace commensurate with grade level. The proposal includes educational goals to be accomplished (15 points) They are clearly described and realistic The project demonstrates originality (10 points) Not the same project that has been done in classrooms for years The project is repeatable and Sustainable (10 points) The grant money should be considered seed money to get the project started The budget is clearly outlined (15 points) The budget justifies the amount requested and includes a description of other sources of support for this project. 12
Harry Staubs Pre-College Award (section level) The Harry Staubs STEM K-12 Outreach Award is presented to sections that have developed and implemented an outstanding STEM K-12 Outreach program that meets the general goals of the AIAA STEM K-12 Outreach Increasing Educator Associate membership Recognizing Educator performance Increasing the number of actively engaged members, particularly in the area of STEM K-12 outreach To meet these goals, sections are encouraged to provide quality educational resources for K- 12 teachers and students in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) There is a form to complete by each section so that we can review the same type of information for various sections to determine which section has best met the goals of the Harry Staubs Award Number of Educator Associates Unique events presented within the section AIAA STEM K-12 Signature event participation / presentation Your job is to review the submissions (June to August) to select a Harry Staubs award winner for each of the categories of section (very small, small, medium, large, very large) 13
Educator Achievement Award (Institute / regional level) This year, there are 7 AIAA Foundation Educator Achievement Award(bi-annual) Winners that will be recognized at the AIAA Gala in May 2013 To apply, there is a form with Basic Questions to obtain basic information you attach the Educators Biography / Letter from Principal, / Letter from Nominator describing outstanding effort AIAA Membership Involvement (Up to 5 Points) Classroom activities promoting aerospace careers and engineering (Up to 10 Points) Nomination, Recommendations, Experiences and Awards (Up to 10 Points) Your job is to review the applications and using a rubric that is provided, judge the applicants Usually have a teleconference to discuss the applicants in general Second teleconference to discuss specific issues that may have come up Final teleconference to finalize the winners 14 Lanena Berry Houston Independent School District, Houston, Texas Elizabeth Dabrowski Magnificant High School, Cleveland, Ohio Lisa Damian-Marvin Camden Hills Regional High School, Rockport, Maine Joan Labay-Marquez Curington Elementary School, Boerne, Texas Sean McCullough Anderson Districts I & II Career and Technology Center, Anderson, S.C. Deborah Swan Windsor Hills Math, Science, Aerospace Magnet School, Los Angeles, Calif. James Weber Timberland High School, Wentzville, Mo. Winners from 2011
Educator Achievement Awards – Lessons Learned From the evaluation of the 2013 AIAA Foundation Educator Achievement awards some lessons learned have been identified and the subcommittee proposes the following changes and/or enhancements: We want to be more in-line with other honors and awards, so... Self Nominations will not be allowed Both the nominator and the nominee must be AIAA members Nominee can not be a member of the STEM K-12 Outreach Committee Use of standard honors and awards web-site – this will limit the nomination to 4 pages which will be better delineated as we go forward Goals to provide winners with more than a one-time award: Want to assure that Educator Associates have a mechanism to interact with professional members Want to assure that Educator Associates are honored and feel that their AIAA membership has value
DD STEM K-12 Outreach and the Regions/Sections As DD STEM K-12 Outreach in your Region, YOU are the conduit for helping sections to create a bridge from technical and professional members of the AIAA to educators and ultimately to the children – you should: Attend your Regional Activities Committee (RAC) meetings and work with the Regional Director as requested Encourage and support sections to increase Educator Associate membership Communicate with section K-12 officers frequently - Provide section STEM K-12 leaders with copies of the Section Best Practices manual Coordinate committee activities with the sections in your region Provide support, training, and guidance for Section STEM K-12 Outreach officers Help sections to set goals/objectives for STEM K-12 Outreach programming and to communicate their goals and progress back to you Collect and disseminate information on other Regional STEM K-12 Outreach activities that may be useful to Sections in formulating or improving their local programs - Develop a "new ideas that work" list from regional sections that can be included in new editions of the Section Best Practices Manual 16
Encourage and Reward Educator Associates (EA) Any educator involved in K-12 programs is eligible to join AIAA as an EA member and its FREE (an address is required) Make sure they know that as a member of AIAA, EAs receive access to the following: AIAA Foundation Classroom Grant Program AIAA Foundation Educator Achievement Award Participation with local AIAA sections and professional mentors Access to Educator Academy Kids Place: A one stop place to find curriculum, educational partners, homework help, etc. Aid the sections in honoring local EAs at the Section level then elevate the best nominees to the Regional level and ultimately to the Institute level with the Educator Achievement Awards This is good for the teachers because theyll get recognition at the section level, no matter what else happens – and they can make section contacts. Will make materials for recognition available online (i.e. certificates, etc) This is good for the sections because well make section awards to local teachers part of Harry Staubs Section Award criteria 17
Communication is Key At the Regional Level : Region and Activities Committee (RAC) meetings are held in different ways in the various regions. Check with your Regional Director about when/where the meetings will held. Make sure you understand the expectations of your Regional Director Report on various STEM K-12 activities occurring within the region Report on the activities that are happening as part of the STEM K-12 Outreach Standing Committee At the Section level: Communicate with section K-12 and/or Education officers in your region Emily Springer can provide you with a list of the names and addresses If there is not a K-12 / Education officer listed, contact the section officer Find out what they are doing / how you can help / if you can attend an event (if possible) Provide a copy of Best Practices Manual which includes a description of the DD job responsibilities as well as ideas for STEM K-12 Outreach activities based on successful section events and the AIAA STEM K-12 signature events 18
19 Resources Give Aways / Hand-Outs can be ordered from AIAA Headquarters by you OR your section representatives Please contact Lisa Bacon at at least 4 weeks in advance with the following Date of event Age group Number of attendees Please note that we are not equipped to handle over attendees per event. Careers in Aerospace, is a publication that is available for use at the section level Designed for middle and high school students, the information in this booklet includes profiles of AIAA members, classes needed to be an aerospace engineer, tips for selecting a college and AIAA scholarship opportunities Can be downloaded or limited quantities can be ordered