SUMMER HOMEWORK PACK NAME: DEADLINE: My Lion’s name is: Homework Instructions: 1.Keep a weekly journal of any footsteps you take towards Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj (e.g seva, sangat, simran, listening to katha, reading a Sikhi related book, learning a shabad, watching Sikh Channel) 2.Keep a drawing or photo journal of what your Lion/ess did that helped him/her to understand, experience and feel Sikhi. 3.On the pages of household objects, write down how we could relate these objects to Sikhi. How do they relate to Sikhi? You could even make something out of them to represent Sikhi. 4.Revise and memorise as much of the Bhai Gurdas Jee Vaar as you can. 5.EXTENSION: Complete any additional homework/research you wish.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 1
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 2
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 3
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 4
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 5
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 6
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
My footstep/s to Guru Jee What footsteps did you take to Guru Jee? How did it make you feel? Week 7
What Sikhi related activity did your Lion do? Draw a picture/s or stick down some photographs.
God is in everything “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee TASK: Think outside the box. How could you relate these items to Sikhi? What do they represent? EXTENSION: Are there any other household objects that remind you of Guru Jee? Kitchen RollCushion
God is in everything “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee TASK: Think outside the box. How could you relate these items to Sikhi? What do they represent? EXTENSION: Are there any other household objects that remind you of Guru Jee? Candle Spoon
God is in everything “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee TASK: Think outside the box. How could you relate these items to Sikhi? What do they represent? EXTENSION: Are there any other household objects that remind you of Guru Jee? Fire ExtinguisherRolling Pin
God is in everything “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee TASK: Think outside the box. How could you relate these items to Sikhi? What do they represent? EXTENSION: Are there any other household objects that remind you of Guru Jee? Fire PlaceSat Nav
God is in everything “If you can’t see God in ALL, you can’t see God at all” Bhai Harbhajan Singh Yogi Jee EXTENSION: Are there any other household objects that remind you of Maharaj?
Bhai Gurdas Jee’s Vaaran Bhai Gurdas Jee is a much honoured Sikh scholar, missionary, and literary master who is also respected for his Sikh way of life. He was a leading figure in Sikhism who enjoyed the company of Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee, the fifth Sikh Guru. It was under the supervision of the fifth Sikh Guru that he inscribed the first copy of the Sikh Scripture, then called The Adi Granth Sahib Jee, which is now respected as the eternal Guru of the Sikhs and is central of the Sikh religion. He was also responsible for various writings in his own right which have gained much respect in the Sikh community. His Varan (chapters of poetry) have been referred to by Sri Guru Arjan Dev Jee as the "Key" ("khungee") to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. Bhai Sahib is also responsible for composing the composition known as "Kabit Savaiye Bhai Gurdas". TASK: Research and write down 5 other facts about Bhai Gurdas Jee
Satgur Naanak Pragatiaa Mitee Dhundh Jag Chaanan Hoaa. With the emergence of the true Guru Nanak, the mist cleared and the light scattered all around. Jio Kar Sooraj Nikaliaa Taarae Chhipae Andhaer Paloaa. As if at the sun rise the stars disappeared and the darkness dispelled. Singh Boukae Miragaavalee Bhannee Jaae N Dheer Dharoaa. With the roar of the lion in the forest the flocks of escaping deer now cannot have endurance. Jithae Baabaa Pair Dharae Poojaa Aasan Thaapan Soaa. Wherever Baba put his feet, a religious place was erected and established. Sidh aasan Sabh Jagat Dae Naanak Aad Matae Jae Koaa. All the siddh-places now have been renamed on the name of Nanak. Ghar Ghar Andar Dharamasaal Hovai Keertan Sadaa Visoaa. Every home has become a place of dharma where singing. Baabae Taarae Chaar Chak Naukhand Prithamee Sachaa Toaa. Baba liberated all four directions and nine divisions of earth. Gurmukh Kal Vich Paragat Hoaa ॥ 27 ॥ Gurmukh (Guru Nanak) has emerged in this kaliyug, the dark age. You can find the Gurmukhi for this Vaar here: Bhai Gurdas Jee Vaar 27
Well done for completing your homework. We cannot wait to see your homework in September 2012 Remember Sikhi is a journey