The migration model Please copy The migration model
People have a large number of motives/ reasons for moving they can be PUSH FACTORS or PULL FACTORS People often encounter obstacles that make it hard to move from one place to another Migrants have a great impact not only on the places they go to, but also on the places they leave: They take ideas and technology with them when they shift They will often send money (remittances), goods, ideas and technology back to the places from where they have come. People often move to back to their places of origin
Have you or someone close to you immigrated? Time to share with the class What were some of the pull factors? Push factors? Obstacles? Any reason to head back?
Your migrant history Question: For what reasons did your family/ ancestors migrate to New Zealand? (List push, pull factors and any obstacles in their migration) If you have no one.. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, or imagine
Sort out the following statements into PUSH, PULL Factors. Higher Wages Personal Freedom Unemployment Education System More entertainment More job opportunities Natural Hazards City Living More cinema’s, restaurants Civil War Family