Presented by Abul Kalam Azad Senior Lecturer, GED Northern University Bangladesh Objectives 1.To Define Urbanization 2.To Distinguish between Rural & Urban Society 3.To Find Out Causes/Determinants of Urbanization 4.To Discuss Problems of urban development in BD 5.Criteria of Urban Good Governance 6.Impact of Urbanization in Bangladesh Lecture- # 15 & 16: Urbanization in Bangladesh
Introduction Bangladesh as a developing country is facing several challenges to provide basic human needs such as food, health, education and shelter due to her growing population. Although the cities and towns are considered as engines for over all social, economic, physical and political development of a country, the scenario in Bangladesh is somewhat different due to both push and pull factors along with high rate of population growth. Provision of the above facilities is more unsatisfactory in urban areas than those in the rural areas.
Defining Urbanization 1. Urbanization is a continuous process through which rural people’s life style is migrated to industrial and commercial areas. 2. Urbanization refers to the concentration of people in cities (many of the world's cities have populations of more than 5 million) and towns. 3. A social trend in which people adopt to life styles, residential patterns and cultural values of those who live in or near cities. 4. Urbanization is the process by which more and more people leave the countryside to live in cities (Cambridge Dictionary)
Table: Rural –Urban Distinction FeaturesRural SocietyUrban Society Dominant social relations based on Kinship, locality & neighborliness Exchange, rational calculation, Order of social relations Family to Village to Town life City to National to International life WealthLandMoney Forms of social control Family law, extended kinship group, customs, mores, religion State, convention, political legislation, public opinion Status - roleAscriptionAchievement
Urbanization in Bangladesh Urbanization in Bangladesh is characterized by the concentration of urban population in three major metropolitan areas, namely Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna. Urbanization is not an old concept. In 1971 Bangladesh emerged as a country of a large population (approximately 70 million) with a low level of urbanization. Only about 4 percent of its population lived in urban areas at that time. After its independence, the decadal growth rate of urban population was the highest in the history of Bangladesh by more than 7 percent a year.
Causes/ Determinants of Urbanization Since independence, a number of factors has led to the rapid growth of urban population in Bangladesh. First, the native urban population has recorded natural growth; second, tragic deterioration of rural life ; Third, extension of boundaries of existing urban centers; Fourth, migration of rural people to urban areas. This has been the most significant determinant in urban growth; Fifth, landlessness, poverty and unemployment in the rural area; Sixth, development of communication and transportation;
Seventh, expansion of trade, commerce & manufacturing; Eighth, rising expectation of better life. On the basis of the above discussion, we can identify major two factors of urbanization - 1.Pull factor and 2.Push factor. To explain, educational facilities pull rural people to the cities. Similarly, the rural society pushes its people toward urban areas because of serious unemployment or growing landlessness and natural calamities like cyclone, famine, flood and river erosion.
Problems of urban development in BD 1.Deteriorating law and order situation and crime and a sense of insecurity & violence among the people. 2.Inadequacy of urban utility services (such as supply of water, sanitation and sewerage, electricity, gas, fuel, telephone, solid waste management, etc.). 3.Poor roads, insufficient transport facilities and weak management of traffic. 4.Lack of education, health and recreation services. 5.Housing problem 6.Various social problems, especially child abuse and oppression of women.
Criteria of Urban Good Governance 1. Decentralization 2. Democratic Participation 3. Transparency and Accountability 4. Coordination 5. Freedom of the municipal authority to implement plan and mobilize resources 6. Rule of Law 7. Equity (Economic and Gender)
Impact of Urbanization in Bangladesh Positive impact of Urbanization- According to UN centre for human settlements, 50 percent of GNP comes from urban areas in the developing countries. Some positive consequences of urbanization in BD are~ I)The role of urbanization in the growth of GDP 1.Improvement of communication and transportation 2.Increase of employment opportunities 3.Development of powerful economic base 4.Development of agricultural sectors & cultural aspect 5.Increase literacy rate and 6. Women empowerment.
Negative impact of urbanization 1. Socio-economic problems: a) High density of population, b) Urban poverty, c) House and slum problems, d) Scarcity of utility services (water, sanitation, transportation, education, health, electricity, gas, etc.) e) Social discrimination & inequality f) Terrorism and crime.
2. Environmental problems a) Industrial wastes which cause air pollution & water Pollution b) Green house gas emission such as CFCs, C 2 c) Ozone layer depletion & Green house effect d) Global warming e) Acid rain f) Noise Pollution d) Lack of hygiene and sanitation. Of about 30 million urban dwellers, sanitation coverage is available to about 42%. Conventional sewerage systems are used only in parts of Dhaka and by only 18% of the city’s 9 million people. Most of the slum dwellers have literally no latrine; only a few have pit or surface latrine.
What is to be done 1.Lobbying at national & international level 2.Advocacy by Go s & NGO s through workshops, seminars, rallies as well as radio, Televisions etc. 3.Urban Land use policy 4.A strong networking among the GO & NGOs, researchers, academicians, and journalists. 5.Institutional capacity building at the local, regional and central level 6.Reformation of different organizations 7.Ensuring good governance