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Row 1, Col 1 Large slabs of the earth’s surface Tectonic plates
1,2 To move away from an area emigrate
1,3 Changing your way of life to fit the natural environment adaptation
1,4 The exact spot on Earth where a place can be found. Absolute location
2,1 A mapmaker cartographer
2,2 Problems in one place causing people to move away Push factors
2,3 Lines that run parallel to the equator latitude
2,4 A map that focuses on one idea ot theme. Thematic map
3,1 Conditions in a place causing people to move there Pull factors
3,2 Lines that run between the North and South Poles Longitude lines
3,3 The different ways of showing Earth’s curved surface on a flat map. Map projections
3,4 Something that makes movement more difficult. Barrier
4,1 The location of one place in relation to other places Relative location
4,2 These maps are used to show natural and man-made features and are used to locate a place. General purpose maps
4,3 A group of places that have physical features or human characteristics, or both, in common region
4,4 To move from one area and settle in another migrate
5,1 A map used by sailors and pilots to navigate. Nautical map
5,2 Where a place is located in space location
5,3 To move to an area immigrate
5,4 Deep and wide enough for boats to travel on navigable