Reasons for Migrating
INTRODUCTION How many times has your family moved? Have you moved from a different town? State? Country? In the United States the average family moves once every SIX years Diffusion – spread of a feature or trend from one place to another over time Migration is a form of relocation diffusion involving a permanent move from one place to another Geographers track where people migrate to and from
EMIGRATION VS. IMMIGRATION Emigration is migration from a location In 1620, the Pilgrims emigrated from England in search of religious freedom When the number of emigrants exceed the number of immigrants, net migration is negative ○ Known as net out-migration Immigration is migration to a location Each year thousands of people immigrate to the United States in search of better opportunities When the number of immigrants exceeds the number of emigrants, net migration is positive ○ Known as net in-migration
Can you think of reasons why people migrate?
REASONS FOR MIGRATING Push factors lead people to leave their present location Pull factors lead people to move into a new location There are three major types of push and pull factors Economic Cultural environmental
ECONOMIC PUSH & PULL FACTORS People may emigrate from their homes because of a lack of job opportunities They will often leave in search of economic prosperity Can you think of an area within the United States that could see economic emigration? People could be lured to a particular area because of the promise of economic growth Natural resources such as petroleum can attract miners Can you think of an historical period that was characterized by economic immigration within the United States?
CULTURAL PUSH & PULL FACTORS Forced international migration has occurred for two main reasons – slavery and political instability People are no longer forced into slavery, but political instability is still a relevant factor Refugee – person forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return for fear of persecution or punishment Refugees have no home until some country is willing to let them in or conditions in their home country improve
CULTURAL PUSH & PULL FACTORS International refugees are those who leave their country and move to another country Palestinians in Israel Internal refugees are those who relocate within their country Colombia The lure of freedom and democracy can serve as a cultural pull factor
ENVIRONMENTAL PUSH & PULL FACTORS People can be pulled to physically attractive regions Mountains, warm climates, seaside Health concerns (i.e. allergies) may serve as pull factors Adverse physical conditions can push people away from their homes Extreme levels of water can is the most common environmental threat
INTERVENING OBSTACLES An environmental or cultural feature that hinders migration What types of intervening obstacle could hinder migration? Why?