The Study of Cross – border Myanmar Migrant Worker’s Labor Market: Policy Implications for Labor Management in Chiangrai Province, Thailand. Rationale: In the past, Thailand has never been the policy on migrant workers. Foreigners can work in Thailand without a license. But in practice the control of foreigners. Located on a system that needs to retained some of the people of Thailand to announce the revolution of the 322/15 requires that foreigners who want to work. Prior permission of the Department of Labor However, the large numbers of illegal migrant workers in Thailand affect to the economic, social, cultural and international politics.
In 1988 turned to the existence of migrant workers due, events in Myanmar with the suppression of individuals into a political uprising in that. The Burmese people illegally enter the country as hundred thousands. While Thailand's economic with growth. Especially in the construction sector and the fishing industry. The demand for workers is so height. At the mean time, the Business sector such as Board of Trade, The Federation of Thai Industries and The Thai Bankers' Association has called for negotiation, and pressuring the government for permission to employ migrant workers. The result of such pressure Thai Government to adopt more flexible policies. The policy allows for the employment of migrant workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to its status as fugitive illegal immigrants to live and working in Thailand.
In 2007 was a legal immigrant worker to the MOU between Thailand - Lao and Thailand – Cambodia. In 2009 began operating under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding MOU on cooperation in employment has been signed in the year 2003 the Burmese migrants working in Thailand not legally able to enter the process of proving citizenship in order to have the legal status of workers. Chiangrai Province has a boundary with Myanmar with conveniences transportation. So, a lot of Myanmar migrant workers coming to worked. The statistics of Labor Migrant Workers from Chiangrai Department of Employment in November The total Migrants of Burma, Laos and Cambodia is 18,844 peoples. With total 17,393 Myanmar Migrant Workers.
Type of Migrant WorkersTotalMaleFemale Illegal Migrant Workers16,2519,5456,706 Nationality verify (Legal Migrant Workers) 1, MOU Migrant Workers000 Total17,39310,1587,235 As you can see, even if it's done MOU between the government of Thailand and the government of the Union of Myanmar on Cooperation in the Employment of Workers but, does not appear a number of Myanmar migrant workers that into the MOU labor process.
While the statistics of the Myanmar migrant workers who fled into the city (illegal). Register on Nationality verify for legal migrants worker very few compared to all workers. As a result, I interested in studying the Cross – border Myanmar Migrant Worker’s Labor Market in Chiangrai province. What are the Key factors that cause Myanmar Migrant workers to work in Chiangrai Province and why the employers and entrepreneurs in Chiangrai Province not accesses process under the MOU.
The Research Questions 1.What are the key pulling factors that encourage cross – border labor migration in Chiangrai Province 2.What are the key pushing factors that encourage cross – border labor migration in Chiangrai Province 3.What are the challenges and policy gaps in the implementation of MOU on Migrant Worker in Chiangrai Province
The Research Objectives 1.To study the key (pull and push) factors that encourage cross – border labor Migration in Chiangrai Province 2.To study and analyze policy gaps and challenges in implementing MOU on Migrant Worker in Chiangrai Province 3.To recommend policy implications for Labor Migration Management in Chiangrai Province
The study areas: cross-border Myanmar migrant workers who is coming to work in Chiangrai Province The Population Size: 1.cross-border Myanmar migrant workers with total 17,393 persons. 2.The employers and entrepreneurs in Chiangrai Province 3.The Government Agencies.
The Research Methodology Quantitative and Qualitative research Populations included: 1.cross-border Myanmar migrant workers 391 persons is selected by Taro Yamane’s equation 2.Ten representative employers and entrepreneurs in Chiangrai on purposively Selected 3.Six Government Agencies.
Data Collected: The primary data: documents, research and journals related to Memorandum of Understanding, labor law, rules and regulations. The secondary data: cross border Myanmar migrant workers through Questionnaires In-depth interview as well as participant observation with representative employers or entrepreneur and Government Agencies in Chiangrai Province.
Data Analysis: Data analysis Using statistical analysis to determine the frequency, percentage, mean, max and min. The results of the research will be categorized and describe with theoretical Framework and presented as a description of the objectives of the study.
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