AIAA Value to the Community Updated: November 19, 2007
2 AIAA: Your Forum for Aerospace Leadership Mission AIAA advances the state of aerospace science, engineering, and technological leadership. Vision AIAA is the shaping, dynamic force in aerospace – THE forum for innovation, excellence and global leadership.
3 AIAA Overview Formed in 1963 from ARS (1930) and IAS (1932) Worlds Largest Professional Society in Aviation, Space, & Defense Engineering/Science 31,000 professional members 5000 student members 70 corporate members 71 Technical Committees Spanning Aerospace Science & Technology Aerospace Leadership 79 Honorary Fellows, 706 Fellows, 3562 Associate Fellows An AIAA member was involved in every major aerospace accomplishment Aerospace Policy Guidance - Respected, credible voice to Administration and Congress on Aerospace Issues Aerospace ISO Standards Body Aerospace Conference Administrator Aerospace Professional Development Course Provider Aerospace Publisher – Books, Journals, & Technical Papers Aerospace Pre-College Educational Outreach Leader
4 AIAA and the Community AIAA is committed to and encourages the active involvement and participation of the aerospace community (industry, government and academia) AIAA works with organizations to create partnerships that ensure mutual benefit AIAA positions organizations for future development, growth and opportunities
5 AIAA Providing Unequivocal Value Advocacy for aerospace issues Networking with aerospace professionals Recognition of contributions/contributors Partnership with others in broader international, educational, and professional arenas Professional and corporate involvement/growth Customized services of cost effective products and services tailored to meet organizational strategic needs
6 AIAA Technical and Networking Advantages May reduce development time and cost Obtain technical expertise quickly Avoid reinventing the wheel Gain from lessons learned May strengthen your organization Identify new technologies and applications Identify research needs and funding sources Prepare for potential procurement activities May enhance technical development Provide exposure to new concepts Promote personal and professional development Establish leadership among the technical community Prepare for increased responsibility Provide insight to factors affecting the industry
7 AIAA Products and Services Conferences and Exhibits Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference Fluid Dynamics Conference Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit Missile Sciences Conference Joint Propulsion Conference Space Conference and Exhibit Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference ….plus another 20+ in various disciplines
8 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Publications Books – Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics – Education Series Journals – AIAA Journal – Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication – Journal of Aircraft – Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics – Journal of Propulsion and Power – Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets – Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Technical Papers Electronic Library Monthly Magazine Case Studies ….and more!
9 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Education Activities Student branches at more than 150 universities Student Conferences held each Spring in six regions Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Design Competitions K-12 Activities for student and teachers
10 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Standards Promoting national and international standards for technical excellence Accredited by the American National Standards Institute Focus on aerospace applications Member input and review encouraged Members receive electronic copies of AIAA Standards free!
11 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Public Policy Developing comprehensive position papers on policy issues Coordinating expert testimony to Congress and the Administration Organizes annual Congressional Visits Day Promotes August is for Aerospace Home Visits Sponsors forums and workshops on policy issues Fosters relationships with the media and various coalitions Providing responsible positions which influences aerospace policy
12 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Local section activities 66 sections across the United States and abroad Local networking, management and leadership opportunities Local technical programs in geographic areas Distinguished Lecturer Program Support
13 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Technical Committees 71 committees focus on specific areas of technology Development of conferences, workshops, standards, etc. Aerospace Sciences Applied Aerodynamics Aircraft and Air Transportation Systems Engineering and Technology Management Information Systems Propulsion and Energy Space and Missiles Structures, Design, and Test...and more! Program Committees 11 committees focus on leading edge or emerging aerospace programs Development of conferences, workshops, standards, etc. Aerospace Traffic Management Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems Gossamer Spacecraft HyTASP Netcentric Operations Reusable Launch Vehicles Space Exploration Space Station Unmanned Systems …and more!
14 AIAA Products and Services (cont) Standing Committees 22 committees focus on non-technical areas Networking, management and leadership opportunities Academic Affairs Career Enhancement Honors and Awards International Activities Membership Precollege Outreach Professional Member Education Public Policy Publications Standards Executive Council Student Activities Young Professionals …and more!