Meeting the ANSS Performance Standards & Future CISN Infrastructure CISN-PMG Egill Hauksson, Caltech Presented to CISN Steering and Advisory Committees at UC Berkeley, 30 August 2006
Meeting the ANSS Performance Standards ANSS standards emphasize speed over Quality
Locations of southern California quarry blasts Guoqing Lin et al. (2006) Horizontal error ~ 1km Depth error ~2.5 km
SCEC Community Fault Model and Seismicity Distance to faults
Percentage of SCSN events versus the distance from the fault x100
Detection threshold for the SCSN based on the phase data from Probability of detecting an M=1.8 with the SCSN configuration as of 01/2006
Meeting ANSS Performance Standards: Conclusions In general the CISN meets ANSS performance standards -Speed of delivery -Quality of Products - Uptime of instrumentation NCEDC, SCEDC, and CISN-EDC allow us to meet the requirements of “data archiving and public distribution” Future outlook is less bright if infrastructure is not improved
Budget Change Request for CISN “We have only been around for a short time, and we have not measured everything…” Prof. Hiroo Kanamori
Nature of Request: Full Funding of CISN OES & other partners established CISN in 2001 OES charged CISN with the responsibility of earthquake monitoring and real-time reporting in California Funding for CISN comes from three main sources: Federal USGS, State OES, and CGS OES has requested: –Products be based on the best science –Products be statewide in nature: coverage/calibration –Timely delivery of products –Robustness in both product generation and delivery –Development of new products –State, Federal, University, & Private Sector Partnerships for best use of resources
Background History For almost a century the earthquake monitoring has been done separately in northern and southern California Monitoring technology and products have developed mostly independently and parts of the state are underserved The 1994 Northridge earthquake caused $40billion in damage and FEMA/OES provided funding for TriNet TriNet greatly improved earthquake monitoring capabilities and ShakeMap was developed for southern California OES, USGS, & partners decided to combine resources to form CISN in 2001 to extend these new technologies statewide The Governors Office added a line item in Fy01/02 to the OES budget to fund CISN State funding to CISN was cut in 2001 and 2002 from $6.6M/yr to $2.4M/yr, which only cover operations and maintenance of existing systems
State Level Considerations OES increasingly relies on rapid delivery of accurate earthquake information for decision on: –Response, including search & rescue and deployment of mutual aid resources –Calculation of total impact using HAZUS & requesting federal resources –Long term mitigation plans based on an accurate catalog CEA, Caltrans, OSHPOD, DSA, and others –Rely on an accurate records of what earthquakes occurred and their impacts in response and recovery –CISN products are also used in CEA insurance models CISN is viewed as a model earthquake monitoring operation across the nation –ANSS seeks to extend CISN technology to other states
Fault/Rupture model used in the USGS/CGS 2002 hazards maps (Ned Field, USGS 2006) 1) Are ruptures confined to fault segments? 2) Can ruptures involve more than one fault?
Justification To ensure accurate CISN statewide reporting instrumentation needed for regions without coverage To maintain current monitoring capabilities aging instrumentation & data processing equipment must be replaced To improve robustness: software, telemetry, and product generation and other aspects of CISN need to be modernized & tested using modern risk approaches Rapid estimation of the total impact of the earthquake requires accurate and correctly spatially sampled data Modern infrastructure such as CEA, BART, Caltrans, trains, airports, utilities, biotechnology labs. etc. need products based on the best science, which in some cases may deliver information before the shaking arrives
Analysis of All Feasible Alternatives 1.Continue with current staffing and monitoring capabilities a)Does not address the problem b)Given the existing staffing and workload demands, the CISN is not able to make acceptable and rapid progress c)Instrumentation is aging and rate of failures is increasing d)Statewide coverage will gradually become spotty and products will be only rough estimates, and weaken the State’s public safety capacity e)Lessons lost for next generation earthquake engineering design 2.Redirect current resources a)Staff already working at full capacity, and instrumentation may wait for several weeks before staff is available for repair work b) Because damaging earthquakes can occur any time, daily operations and maintenance are the highest priority 3.Augment CISN with additional staff and resources to procure instrumentation and develop other needed capabilities a)This would cost $10.0M annually in additional state funding b)State OES could possibly leverage additional federal funding from USGS/ANSS and FEMA c)The new funding would allow needed statewide coverage, instrumentation upgrades, needed implementation of robustness, and user training
CISN Instrumentation Plan:
CISN Infrastructure Goals: Maintain and improve earthquake monitoring To reach the CISN goal of 480 broadband and strong motion stations: –We need to add 27/yr stations for 10 years –We need to upgrade 20/yr stations, presuming 10 year equipment life –Current status: –Adding ~2 stations per year –Upgrading ~1 station per year
CISN Infrastructure Goals: Improve ShakeMap coverage To reach the CISN goal of 2260 strong motion stations: –We need to add 60stations/yr for 10 years –We need to upgrade 113 stations/yr, presuming 20 year equipment life –Current status: –Adding ~ 5 stations/yr –Upgrading ~ 5 stations/yr Data acquisition, processing, and product distribution infrastructure & robustness
Timetable CISN requests additional funding starting in FY07/08 This additional funding will be used for capacity building for the next decade –New/upgraded BB instrumentation: 27/yr & 20/yr –New/upgraded SM stations: 60/yr & 110/yr –5 year projects: Improve reliability of products for M7.8 earthquakes Improve robustness to ensure that CISN will provide all products for M7.8 quake & report on aftershocks Speed product delivery -- to provide warnings User training and engineering utilization
Recommendation Alternative #3, provide funding for CISN capacity building A balanced approach that allows all aspects of CISN infrastructure to be improved Enhancement of the CISN outreach programs, to train first responders and others in applying the CISN products in earthquake response Enhanced use of CISN products in earthquake engineering of infrastructure and long term mitigation
“Government's first duty and highest obligation is public safety” CISN only needs this much?
Draft CISN Infrastructure Budget Earthquake monitoring2.40M/yr ShakeMap coverage2.30M/yr Improve robustness1.50M/yr Improve product reliability0.50M/yr New products & delivery1.00M/yr Outreach: first responders0.75M/yr Earthquake engineering utilization0.75M/yr OES- overhead0.80M/yr TOTAL Project Request to OES10.0M/yr