The Effects of Industrialization
Effects of Industrialization I. The Spread of Socialism Why an effect? How does this hurt the growing nation-states?
II. The Rise of Unions Revisionism
III. The idea of a “Third World Country”
IV. The idea of a World Market value of world trade was 1.52 billion. By 1914, the value is 38 billion Leader: Britain Largest empire Export 50% of production Repeal of Corn Laws, 1846
V. Opening up Asia and Egypt A. Trading relations B. Rise of the Opium Trade OTC Drugs in the 1800s
C. The “War on Drugs” ~ The Opium Wars 1. Background 2. Britain’s advantage 3. Treaty of Nanking, 1842 E. Significance
VI. European affairs in Egypt Europe’s relationship with Egypt set the stage for their eventual control over Africa and Asia in the 1800s Egypt has been under foreign powers since 525 BCE Leadership of Muhammad Ali Suez Canal Issue
VIII. The Great Migration Main countries involved Where are they going? Push Factors Pull factors