Mehta Group 21 st Foundation day
Market Performance – Jan to Dec 2014 The Trailer…. 38% Equity Return
Market Expectation –2015 to 2024E…. The show finally begin…. 35% CAGR Equity Return Jan 2015 Jan 2024 Nifty 8400
WHY INDIA POPULATION DEMOGRAPHY ASPIRATION TECHNOLOGY But WHY NOW We finally have the CATALYST !! Global fall in prices of Natural Resources India, The Rising Star
India’s Economic Transformation Indication of Real GDP growth bottoming out Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) & Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) flows on an upward trend ` Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) – USD BnForeign Institutional Investors (FII) – USD Bn Source: BoA Merrill Lynch Global Research, IMF forecasts* Total flows USD 107Bn FII USD61Bn DII USD 46Bn GDP Growth E2016E United States Euro Zone Japan China Brazil India Source: Economic times E paper Jan 2015
A new world order Asia to lead the Growth Engine, India will be the Driver 1. Real GDP Source: The Economist Intelligence Unit
India is delivering fastest billion dollar companies as compared to the rest of the world Countries EGrowth US % Germany % Japan % China (Incd Hk) % India % Source: Thomson One Banker, BCG Analysis Corporate India’s Landscape Changing Rapidly
Asset Classes: BANK DEPOSITS / FD’s REAL ESTATE COMMODITIES - (Gold/Silver etc) EQUITIES Country grows by X Equity markets grows by 3X -Liquidity -High Return -Least Expensive WHY EQUITIES
Msearch View: Equities are the Best Bet In the Long Term
Distribution of Household saving Distribution of Financial Saving Indian Household saving parked in Physical Assets & Bank Deposits Source: RBI Annual Report 2013 Source: China Household Finance Survey
WHY US Rewarding Relationship. 2 Decades of experience of promoters. Strong Emphasis to personalised service. Identification of Ideas at early stage & providing Multibagger ideas year on year. Focus on Small & Midsize companies to create multifold returns.
Multibagger VGuardPI IndustriesKewal Kiran Clothing Ltd Recommended at Rs 80 in 2010 CMP Rs 1000 Recommended at Rs 459 in 2011 FV Rs 5 CMP Rs 506 at FV Rs 1 Recommended at Rs 360 in 2010 CMP Rs 2000
Mehta Yearly Portfolio Performance 2014
Mehta Yearly Portfolio Performance 2014 Prices Updated as on 3 rd Feb 2015
Msearch Yearly Portfolio Investment Idea
Trading Stock / Investment Idea Sl NoNameIndustryCMP Market Cap Rs Cr Recommendation 1 Mold Teck PackagingContainers & Packaging237269Buy 2 Pennar IndustriesIron & Steel Products62756Accumulate 3 JBF IndustriesFibres & Plastics Buy 4 Granules IndiaPharmaceuticals Buy 5 Ashoka BuildconRoads & Highways Buy 6 HSILSanitaryware products Buy 7 Greaves CottonIndustrial Machinery Buy 8 City Union BankBanks925541Accumulate 9 M&M FinancialFinance (including NBFCs) Accumulate 10 Adani PowerPower Electric Utilities Accumulate 11 HPCLRefineries/ Petro-Products Buy 12 Tech MahindraIT Consulting & Software Buy
Multicap Growth Equity Strategy Relative to Nifty - Return Performance
Deep Value Strategy Relative to Nifty - Return Performance
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