Paul Signorelli Writer/Trainer/Consultan t Paul Signorelli & A Proposal for the 2013 NMC Horizon Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul Signorelli Writer/Trainer/Consultan t Paul Signorelli & A Proposal for the 2013 NMC Horizon Project Summit The Future of Education January 22-24, 2013 Austin, TX Social Learning Centers: A New Horizon for Learning

Learning: Teacher- or Learner-Centric?

Social Learning

“Place” and Social Learning: Ray Oldenburg & the Third Place

Place and Interaction: Frans Johansson & The Intersection

Where the Horizon Project Fits In

Horizon Technology: Tablets

Horizon Technology: Flipped Classroom

Horizon Technology: Game-Based Learning

Horizon Technology: MOOCs

Horizon Technology: More…

From Homework…

And Tech and Teens…

To the Commons


From Mobiles…

To Mobile

The Future We Are Building

Lifting the Ceiling, Removing the Walls

Buffy Hamilton: A High School Social Learning Center

Blended Social Learning Spaces

In Summary

Learning Resources:

Questions & Comments

For More Information Paul Signorelli & Associates 1032 Irving St., #514 San Francisco, CA

Credits & Acknowledgments Slide Design by Paul Signorelli (Images taken from unless otherwise noted): YOUmedia Center/Chicago Public Library: From The Shifted Librarian’s photostream at Lecture Hall: From Kitsu’s photostream at Learning Commons, Ohio University Libraries: From Ohio University Libraries’photostream at Social Learning: From Tatiana12’s photostream at Tablets: From Gadjo_Cardenas_Sevilla’s photostream at The MOOC: From Giulia.Forsyth’s photostream at Lafayette Library & Learning Center: From SJSUALASCs photostream at Lafayette Tech & Teen Centers: From SJSUALASC’s photostream at Weigle Information Commons: From Weigle Information Commons’s photostream at Sinclair Community College: From Sinclair Library’s photostream at New Jersey State Library Hands-on Workshop: From New Jersey State Libraries' photostream at State Library of Ohio Mobile Training Lab: From Erielooking production’s photostream at Norfolk (VA) Public Library: From Mr. T in DC’s photostream at Aberdeen University Library: From Gordon M. Robertson's photostream at Learning Commons at York University, Scott Library: From Moqub’s photostream at Google+ Hangout: From Robin M. Ashford’s photostream at Question Marks: From Valerie Everett’s photostream at