What is PBL & Why in the World are we Doing THIS? Jodi Haney, BGSU Or… But we did just fine the other way!
Frayer Model
BIE Definition PBL is a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic, questions and carefully designed projects and tasks.
BIE PBL ATTRIBUTES Recognizes students DRIVE to learn Engages students in CENTRAL concepts Highlights PROVOCATIVE issues or questions that lead to IN DEPTH explorations of authentic and important topics Requires use of TOOLS and SKILLS (specifically technology) for learning and self/project management. INCLUDE MULTIPLE PRODUCTS that solve problems or communicate findings (FEEDBACK is frequent) Uses PERFORMANCE BASED ASSESSMENTS Encourages COLLABORATION
PBL Wordle it’s a word cloud thing!
The Learning Pyramid What % of what we ____ do we retain after 24 hours? Read - % See by Demonstration - % Teach - % Hear via Lecture - % Practice by Doing- % Discuss - % See & Hear (Audio-Visual) - % 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90%
New Technologies
Activity: Fist for a Brain Cerebrum – thinking Limbic system - emotions Brainstem (medulla) - body functions
Figure 2.2 Data for Survival and data that generate emotions are processed prior to data for learning. DataProcessing Data Processing
The Learning Pyramid Modified Dale’s Cone of Experience (1969). Teaching Others/Presentation - 90% Practice by Doing - 75% Discussion Group - 50% Demonstration - 30% Audio-Visual - 20% Reading - 10% Lecture - 5% AVERAGE RETENTION RATES AFTER 24 HOURS
Converting a Classroom (modified from Sandholtz, et al., 1997, p. 14) FROM: Instruction (Traditional) TO: Construction (Brain-Based/ PBL) Teacher Role Fact giver; ExpertCollaborator; Sometimes learner Student Role Listener; Always learnerCollaborator; Sometimes expert Classroom Activities Facts; MemorizationRelationships; Inquiry, invention, & innovation Demonstration of Success Quantity of factsQuality of understanding Assessment Knowledge judged against others; Multiple choice and true/false items Work judged against standards; Portfolios and performances Technology Used for drill and practice (right/wrong answers) Communication, collaboration, information access, expression
Research on PBL Medical School Model: Slightly higher achievement Real gains were noted in skills that are required of practicing physicians Real gains were noted in skills that are required of practicing physicians (Torp & Sage, 1998) K-12 Schools : (Glassgow, 1997; Jones, Rasmussen & Moffitt,1997) Modest positive effect on achievement scores ch larger positive gains on indicators such as: Mu ch larger positive gains on indicators such as: critical thinking and problem solving skills, abilities related to accessing, analyzing, organizing, and communicating information (21st Century/Universal Skills) student attendance patterns and disciplinary behaviors Oak Harbor Middle School PBL 7 th vs. Non PBL 7 th vs. Non-PBL 8 th Grade students. PBL students had significantly higher: attitudes motivation engagement perceived Success
Oak Harbor PBL Students are MOTIVATED!
Classroom Overview A day in the life of a St. Joseph Maumee Preparatory School Student….
Project EXCITE
BIE Design Process 1. Begin w End in Mind 2. Craft the Driving Question (DQ) 3. Plan the Assessment 4. Map the Project 5. Manage the Process
Excite Design