Green Engineering Program Committee – A Proposal 27 July 2010 Jason Slagle Valerie Lyons
2 Agenda Introduction and Background Charter, Scope, and Objectives Initial Activity Plan Related AIAA Committees Membership Roster Working Group Activities Recommendation
3 What is Green Engineering? Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy Conversion Efficiency Airframe Efficiency AIAA Conferences & Literature Recycling Operations Climate Monitoring
4 Example Green Engineering Programs Continuous Lower Energy, Emissions & Noise (CLEEN) GE Ecomagination Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) Environmentally Responsible Engineering (ERA) Adaptive Versatile Engine Technology (ADVENT)
5 The Green Engineering PC…Why Now? World-wide attention has become focused on sustainability and the need for new approaches to energy generation & utilization. Greener Aviation & Alternative Fuels named top two emerging technologies for AIAA involvement. Individual facets of green technologies represented sporadically in the technical committees, but there is no central focus & systems thinking approach. A PC, with its inherent systems point of view, flexibility of approach, and access to a wide range of expertise, offers AIAA such a focus that would broadly benefit the membership. Other professional organizations are ramping up their involvement in green activities. AIAA needs a clearly defined focal point & should work to become a leader in this growing domain.
6 Proposed Charter The purpose of the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC) is to promote a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and cradle-to- cradle design. GEPC serves as the AIAA focal point for all green aerospace-related programs and technologies, and works synergistically with the appropriate technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership is adequately informed about all aspects of this critical aerospace activity.
7 Scope Serve as the focal point and interface between AIAA and the green technology community, including DOE, EPA, NOAA, and complementary professional societies. Characterize the critical challenges for green technologies as applied to aerospace systems. Identify rapidly advancing & emerging technologies that support improved energy efficiency and sustainability. Support AIAA public policy forums / initiatives and provide a liaison to the Public Policy Committee. Coordinate and focus green activities across the technical committees to develop / support conferences, workshops, position papers, panel sessions and technical sessions. Co-sponsor relevant conferences and events with other professional societies. Identify champions for new green initiatives within AIAA.
8 Objectives Help shape the vision, direction and policy for future energy and aviation systems. Promote sustainable and renewable aerospace-related energy systems. Advocate cradle-to-cradle design and system-level optimization of complex energy conversion systems. Provide a forum in which industry, government, and academia can discuss solutions & approaches in an informal, non-competitive environment. Promote and support conferences, workshops, sessions and technical publications in the area of aerospace-related green technology. Provide efficient and effective knowledge transfer to the AIAA membership. Ensure all relevant aspects of green technologies are represented in the technical committees and conferences.
9 Initial Activity Plan for 2010 Provide sessions for ASM and JPC/IECEC – Moving Forward with New Energy Policies – Green Energy Conversion Technologies Recruit members from technical committees. Provide an annual article for Aerospace America. Establish quarterly GEPC meetings…January (ASM), April, July (JPC), October. Provide a liaison to the Public Policy Committee. Conduct coordination opportunities with other professional societies. Develop the Green Engineering portal on the AIAA website.
10 Related AIAA Organizations Technical Committees: Terrestrial Energy Systems Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Aerospace Power Systems Propellants & Combustion Aircraft Design Gas Turbine Engines Sensor Systems Aeroacoustics Air Transportation Systems Aircraft Design Aircraft Operations Society and Aerospace Technology Space Resources Groups: Propulsion & Energy Aerospace Sciences Aircraft & Atmospheric Systems Information Systems Engineering & Technology Mgmt Program Committees: Aerospace Traffic Management Energy Optimized Aircraft & Equipment Systems Standing Committees: Emerging Technologies Public Policy
11 Sample Technical Committee Responses The interests of the Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC) include sustainable development, both in space and on Earth. We promote a two-way transfer of building technology and design practice between Earth and space to improve habitat efficiency and reduce environmental impact. We welcome the establishment of a Green Engineering Program Committee. - Space Architecture Technical Committee The technologies that are worked under ISRU have many applications to green engineering, as we are basically all about the reduce-reuse-recycle circle. Especially with a potential shift of focus to Mars, with its CO2 atmosphere, we have many potential terrestrial applications…I think there are several members of my TC that may be interested in your new PC... -Space Resources Technical Committee I am also very keen to work with you and the Green Engineering Work Group. I would like to see a close alliance between the Group and the GTE TC to ensure we leverage our common interests and minimize duplication. Clearly we have much in common, so lets set up a liaison and think about collabaration on JPC session etc. - Gas Turbine Engines Technical Committee Congrats and welcome aboard! I can't think of any Space Logistics TC suggestions just now, but we will be pleased to work with you. There are surely many areas of overlap and opportunities for collaboration between us. - Space Logistics Technical Committee See welcome any support for this conference you can muster -Digital Avionics Technical Committee
12 Working Group Membership Roster Valerie Lyons (Co-Chair) Jason Slagle (Co-Chair) Ashwani Gupta Anthony R. Gross Bob Winn Craig Day Stephen Johnson Raymond Best Michael Piszczor Danielle Soban Roger Hartman Nathan Hicks Franz-Josef Uahlen Satish Mohleji Essam Khalil Bill Lear Robert Dougherty Bruce Walker Ramkumar Parthasarathy Subramanyam R. Gollahalli Peter Hollingsworth Harout Ayvazian David G. Lilley
13 History of the Green Engineering Working Group Propulsion & Energy Group Emerging Technologies Committee Green Energy Technology Working Group (8/2008) Green Engineering Working Group (10/2009)
14 Working Group Activities GNC 2008 Green Energy Technology Working Group proposal ASM 2009 Green Energy Technology Working Group Kickoff JPC/IECEC 2009 Panel session – Biofuels for Propulsion and Terrestrial Power Generation Green Engineering Working Group Meeting ASM 2010 Panel Session - Renewable Fuels: Are Biofuels the Future Fuel for Aviation? Liaison identified for Public Policy committee July 2010 Green Engineering working group meeting JPC/IECEC 2010 GEPC program committee proposal Technical Session - Green Energy Conversion Technologies Panel Session - Moving Forward with New Energy Policies
15 Based on the current importance of green technologies for aerospace applications and the demonstrated interest and organization within the AIAA, the Green Engineering Working Group recommends that it be approved for transition to a program committee, to be known as the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC). Recommendation
16 Appendix
17 Green Aviation on the cover of Aerospace America!