Graduation Rates by State
Average Age of 1 st Marriage
Incarceration per 100,000
Voter Turnout by State
Causes of Participation Increased Education Churchgoers Older Voters Strong Rs and Ds White Voters (SES) Higher Income
Two Most Common Attributes of Non-voters ( ) Residential Mobility Young
Factors Decreasing Turnout Youthfulness (18-24) Increasing % of Youth Non-white Increasing % of Minorities (SES) Less Educated Poor
Voter turnout in the United States presidential elections 1824 to 2008
Real or Apparent Decline?
The Australian Ballot Residency Requirements Strict Registration Rules
Differences when Compared with other Nations Automatic Registration Compulsory Voting Laws Strength of Political Parties
Other Factors Compared # of Elections held in the U.S. Costs and Legal Barriers
Other Demographic Features Gender Race (Socio-Economic Status)