Sentence of the Week Week 1 Simple sentences Verb Tense
Write down the 3 sentences in the “Grammar” section of your binder O The clouds hung in the sky. O Bob sneezed four times in a row. O The rain pelted the park. Monday Identify the subject and verb of each sentence by marking “S” over subject and “V” over the verb
Make each sentence a two word sentence. Refer to the notes on simple sentences if needed. Write them down in your notebook. O The clouds hung in the sky. O Bob sneezed four times in a row. O The rain pelted the park. **Challenge: When reading, anytime you find a two word sentence, jot it down and add it to the poster when you come to class. Write down the 2 word sentence, the book title and author. Monday
Identify the tense of the sentence (past, present, future) O The clouds hung in the sky. O Bob sneezed four times in a row. O The rain pelted the park. Tuesday
*Rewrite each sentence in present tense O The clouds hung in the sky. O Bob sneezed four times in a row. O The rain pelted the park. ** Rewrite each sentence in future tense. Tuesday
Write down the 3 sentences in the “Sentence of the Week” section of your binder O Jerry ate the pizza. O Mike and Lisa are happy. O Miguel was running in the race. Wednesday Identify the subject and verb of each sentence by marking “S” over subject and “V” over the verb
Identify the tense of the sentence (past, present, future) O Jerry ate the pizza. O Mike and Lisa are happy. O Miguel was running in the race. Thursday Circle the word(s) in each sentence that indicates the tense. What part of speech is the words that indicate the tense?
Rewrite the sentences in the future tense O Jerry ate the pizza. O Mike and Lisa are happy. O Miguel was running in the race. Thursday