Students with Autism, EBD, and Aspergers are given the question “What is normal behavior for a high school student” They must define what is normal behavior from the perspective of teachers, parents, and kids their own age. They must consider what each thinks about the following: expectation appropriate leisure activities. appropriate language peer relationships Attitudes and feelings, Including music, TV shows, likes and dislikes. Discover and describe how “normal” has changed over the last 30 years
Dream. -They will then consider what it would feel like to change their own behavior to match that of what others think is normal. Design-Plan and practice one thing they could change about their behavior that won’t overwhelm them. Deliver- Perform the behavior over and over again for a month. Debrief- create a visual presentation covering their experiences, likes and dislikes with the project, and if they would continue with the new behavior.
Students are given the task of finding five Web 2.0 tools and are asked to master them, apply them to their other classes, and use each to complete one homework assignment. First the students have to search for the websites by asking peers, teachers, and other adults for suggestions. They can also look for tools on Google, blogs, wikis, and You Tube. Then they have to access and master these tools by using You Tube, Common Craft videos, support from peers, or self discovery. Next, analyze what tools they can use for what class. Finally complete an assignment using the tools and assess how much faster/slower or better/worse it was to use the tool.
RRunning the school store. SStudents with CD and LD have to help the general ed. business TA’s run the school store for a semester. FFollowing jobs must be completed on time to perfection: advertising and promotions, cleaning, stocking, consumer service, and managing including scheduling hours of operation. AAll students must play a part in each of the jobs for some length of time. SStudents must consider strengths and resources that each group possess such as the fact that special education students have access and proficiency with technology at the school. General ed students have access to transportation.
Creating advertisements for school store. Student with CD are given the task to create commercial/poster/ visual media for the school store. Students get ideas from watching commercials on You Tube. Using Masher, Animoto, Vuvox, One True Media and Glogster students must create ads to be posted on the school websites, store Facebook page, and on QR codes around the school.MasherAnimotoVuvoxOne True Media Glogster
Students are given a choice to create their own symbol or theme music that they can use to sign or enhance other digital productions. Students use Sketchfu, Art Pad, Livebrush, Pskyopaint or other Web 2.0 art tools to create a digital symbol they can embed into other projects.SketchfuArt PadLivebrush Pskyopaint If students want they can create their own theme music including vocals using web tools such as Jam Studio, Hobnox, Noteflight, or UjamJam StudioHobnoxNoteflightUjam
Graduating Senior tutoring Seniors from the special education department go to the middle school the last month of school to teach 8 th grade special education students about assistive technology like Kurzweil, Smartpens, Bookshare. They cover blogs, wikis, Moodle, Aleks and Edmoto that general ed teachers use in their classrooms. Finally they discuss digital responsibilities with regards to posting to sights like Facebook and Edmoto.
Students teaching teachers Students meet with teachers who would like to utilize more Web 2.0 and digital media in their classroom instruction. Students analyze what the teacher teaches and how they teach to select programs and websites that would be helpful then instruct the teacher on how to master them.