● Facebook is the largest social network and the second biggest website in the world ● Facebook advertising is a highly versatile and flexible platform that connects you with this audience and gives you a ton of powerful tools – The main advantages of Facebook advertising is the ability to precisely target people… – And the ability to leverage existing social networks to spread your message and gain 'social proof'.
● When you create a Facebook ad, you need to choose a goal, a position and a type of ad. – Ad types include domain ads, page post links, multi-product ads, page post likes, page post images and more – the best ones are the page post ads, placed on the newsfeed.
● You can target your audience by multiple different criteria: – Location – Age/gender – Interests – Behavior – And more!
● Choose two or more images to let Facebook find which one works best for your ad. ● When writing the copy think AIDA and think 'value proposition‘. ● View your ads' performance in the ad manager. ● And tweak the design occasionally to see how this impacts on your conversions.
● Use Facebook Power Editor if you have a huge amount of ads. ● Combine your Facebook campaign with a good content marketing campaign. ● Use BuzzSumo to find good 3rd party content to share. ● Share things that allow people to express themselves and/or communicate.
And that's basically it...