Part I: Facebook
me#!/pages/Indianapolis-IN/Indiana- Department-of- Education/ ?ref=ts (Indiana) me#!/pages/Indianapolis-IN/Indiana- Department-of- Education/ ?ref=ts me#!/nichcy?ref=ts (NICHCY) me#!/nichcy?ref=ts
me#!/GaDOE?ref=search&sid= (Georgia Dept of Ed) me#!/GaDOE?ref=search&sid=
What do you control? 1.If you are a page administrator, people will NOT be able to view your personal information. 2.YOU decide what people can post to your wall: Your fans do not see this page. ONLY administrators can see this.
Video feed-Do you have a recruitment video to post? Polls-Find out information about your fan base Favorite Pages-add these to begin your network
Does someone have an account? If not, one needs to be created. Go to: to log in Go to: to create a page This will ask you for information to create page Do not publish yet, this is a work in progress
Your logo A summary of your work/mission statement Administrators for the page
Promote your page and start to build your fan base &fbid= &fbid= Promote the page with an ad now After next meeting, change add to tell people to follow on Twitter
Ex: You can copy the image and copy the link (the address) to your facebook page Have your web developer link the image and hyperlink to bring people to your page
Publish your page Have administrators post to wall Next meeting: Twitter