Interactive TV
Interactive tv 1 Interactive TV is a concrete example of how new information technology can be integrated vertically (into established technologies and commercial structures) rather than laterally (creating new production opportunities outside of existing commercial structures, e.g
Interactive tv - Return path 1 Interactive TV can also be delivered via a terrestrial Television antenna|aerial (Digital terrestrial television|Digital Terrestrial TV such as 'Freeview (UK)|Freeview' in the United Kingdom|UK)
Interactive tv - Return path 1 The rise of the broadband return path has given new relevance to Interactive TV, as it opens up the need to interact with Video on Demand servers, advertisers, and web site operators.
Interactive tv - Interactivity with a TV set 1 Though this form of interactive TV is not insignificant, critics claim that saying that using a remote control to turn TV sets on and off makes television interactive is like saying turning the pages of a book makes the book interactive
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV program content 1 In its deepest sense, 'Interactivity with normal TV program content' is the one that is interactive TV, but it is also the most challenging to produce. This is the idea that the program, itself, might change based on viewer input. Advanced forms, which still have uncertain prospect for becoming mainstream, include dramas where viewers get to choose or influence plot details and endings.
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV program content 1 There is much debate as to how effective and popular this kind of truly interactive TV can be
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 Others argue that this is more a web-enhanced television viewing than interactive TV
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 One individual who is working to radically disrupt this field is Michael McCarty, who is the Founder and CEO of a new wave of interactive TV products that will be hitting the market in early As he suggested in his presentation to the Community for Interactive Media, Static media is on its way out, and if Networks would like to stay in the game, they must adapt to consumers needs.
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 Many think of interactive TV primarily in terms of one-screen forms that involve interaction on the TV screen, using the remote control, but there is another significant form of interactive TV that makes use of Two-Screen Solutions, such as NanoGaming [ 07/07/05/prediction_nanogaming_will/inde x.php]
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 Such services are sometimes called 'Enhanced TV', but this term is in decline, being seen as anachronistic and misused occasionally. (Note: Enhanced TV originated in the mid-late 1990s as a term that some hoped would replace the umbrella term of interactive TV due to the negative associations interactive TV carried because of the way companies and the news media over-hyped its potential in the early 90's.)
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 Notable Two-Screen Solutions have been offered for specific popular programs by many US broadcast TV networks. Today, two-screen interactive TV is called either 2-screen (for short) or 'Synchronized TV' and is widely deployed around the US by national broadcasters with the help of technology offerings from certain companies.
Interactive tv - Interactivity with TV-related content 1 One-screen interactive TV generally requires special support in the set-top box, but Two-Screen Solutions, synchronized interactive TV applications generally do not, relying instead on Internet or mobile phone servers to coordinate with the TV and are most often free to the user
Interactive tv - Interactive TV services 1 * ActiveVideo Networks (formerly known as ICTV) - Pioneers in interactive TV and creators of CloudTV™: A cloud-based interactive TV platform built on current web and television standards. The network-centric approach provides for the bulk of application and video processing to be done in the cloud, and delivers a standard MPEG stream to virtually any digital set-top box, web-connected TV or media device.
Interactive tv - Interactive TV services 1 *[ AEBAJprintsec=abstractzoom=4rview=1#v=o nepageq=f=false Interactive TV purchasing system] An Interactive TV purchasing system was introduced in 1994 in France. The system was using a regular TV set connected together with a regular antenna and the Internet for feedback. A demo has shown the possibility of immediate purchasing, interactively with displayed contents.
Interactive tv - User interaction 1 This style of interface design rather than the lean back or lean forward model is what truly distinguishes Interactive TV from the web or PC
Interactive tv - User interaction 1 This has increased interest in two-screen services, and is creating a new level of multitasking in interactive TV
Interactive tv - User interaction 1 Interactive TV Sites have the requirement to deliver interactivity directly from internet servers, and therefore need the set-top box's middleware to support some sort of TV Browser, content translation system or content rendering system
Interactive tv - Interactive Video and Data Services 1 IVDS is a wireless implementation of interactive TV, it utilizes part of the VHF TV frequency spectrum (218– 219MHz).[ edia_term/0,,t=ivdsi=45519,00.asp IVDS]
Quantum Space - Interactive TV 1 Stormfront had an ongoing involvement in the development of games for Interactive TV since its first experiments on Florida cable systems in 1990, and produced demos for companies including OpenTV.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-interactive-tv- toolkit.html m/the-interactive-tv- toolkit.html The Art of Service