1 1.What Pervasive Computing Is All About 1.1 Times Are Changing Industrial Revolution (19th) The engine and machine were concentrated at those location where energy was produced. Werner von Siemens invented the dynamo in Thomas A. Edison took the first power station into operation in New York. In 1982, Rudolf Diesel published his patent of the internal combustion engine. Both combustion engine and electric motor changes our world significantly and introduced the second phase of industrialization. Engines and machines were now decentralized. During the second half of the 20 th century the era of industrialization was followed by another era: computer started their impact on the economy.
2 The mainframe era Central management of equipment, applications, and user interfaces was key to increase overall productivity. Tightly controlled data exchange interfaces or satellite systems were the only interfaces to the outside world. Decentralizing computing power: The personal computing era Computing became an intrinsic part of today’s telecommunication,entertainment, commerce, finance, and industry. Internet - a worldwide network for everyone The Internet connects a global community of billions of private and professional users, exchanging information, sharing applications, and providing content and services to each other.
3 1.2 Decentralization Continues Beyond the era of personal computing, the era of Pervasive Computing begins: A new class of devices make information access and processing easily available for everyone from everywhere at any time. Users get enabled and retrieve information they need quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly, regardless of their physical location. Pervasive devices Lightweight PC: handheld computers Smart cards Cellular phones Set-top-boxes, interactive TV, and game consoles Intelligence appliance in networked home Industrial controllers or network switches Embedded systems
4 Evolution from Mainframe to Pervasive Computing
5 1.3 Applied Pervasive Computing Pervasive Computings 환경
6 Traditional telecommunication companies and phone manufactures Mobile Commerce Entertainment industry Industry 1.4 Pervasive Computing Principles 4 가지 특징 Connected Devices: 모든 컴퓨터는 서로 연결되어야 한다. Invisible: 사용자에게 보이지 않아야 한다. Computing Everywhere: 언제 어디서든 사용이 가능해야 한다. Calm Technology: 현실세계의 사물과 환경 속으로 스며들어 일상생활에 통합 되어야 한다.
7 Four fundamental paradigms Decentralization Diversification Connectivity Simplicity Decentralization Pervasive Computing goes one step further and distribute the responsibilities between a variety of small devices, each of which take over specific tasks and functionality. The ability to use application and information on mobile devices and synchronize any updates with network based systems or other devices is a new task arising from that decentralization.
8 - Decentralization makes it necessary for service providers to administer their deployed software and deliver updates to the customer's devices from remote Diversification - Those new gadgets appearing in these days in association with Pervasive Computing, such as WAP phones, screen-phones, or handheld computers, offer only a highly customized functionality for a particular application context. - All four Internet access devices (Internet screen phone, wireless connected handheld computer, WAP phone) are complementary and the capabilities of each of them are optimized for a very specific application context. - How to manage the different capabilities of those manifold devices Ex) user interface, data input mechanism
Connectivity - Manifold devices are seamlessly integrated in an IT world without boundaries. - One approach for achieving connectivity and interoperability is to base the applications on common standards. - Java is one approach for achieving platform independence of applications. - For the purpose of data exchange, XML is the upcoming de facto standard for platform independent representation of information and context Simplicity - Convenient, intuitive, self-evident - Speech recognition, intuitive usage, one-handled operations, instant on/off or touch screen are just a few feature of mature human computer interfaces.
Pervasive Information Technology - Pervasive Computing aims at the "Convergence of Computers, Communications, Consumer Electronics, Content and Services". - A generic view of pervasive information technology