Joint Programming & UN System Wide Action Plans (in Tanzania) Eastern and Southern Africa Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Forum 19 to 22 July 2015 Harare,


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Presentation transcript:

Joint Programming & UN System Wide Action Plans (in Tanzania) Eastern and Southern Africa Youth Employment Knowledge Sharing Forum 19 to 22 July 2015 Harare, ZIMBABWE

Delivery as One; Background World Summit of 2005, UN reform given new impetus, the Secretary-General established the High-level Panel on System-wide Coherence in The HLP recommended “Delivering as one,” to strengthen the work of UN in partnership with host Governments and its focus on results

DaO elements and the ILO ONE LEADER UNCT leadership based on mutual accountability, with an enhanced co-ordination function Resident coordinator √ UN Country team √ OMT – ILO is a member Communications Group – ILO represented ONE BUDGETARY FRAMEWORK planned and costed UN programme activities Budgetary F/W – As reflected in RMS Joint resource mobilization strategy – UNJYE & Work in progress One fund √ ONE PROGRAMME one national development strategy/plan UNDAP √ Joint results groups + plans - 11 PWGs - ILO participates Monitoring – Mid year and annual reporting OPERATING AS ONE options to build more cost- effective common operations and service support Business Operations Strategy √ Finance and Audit × Common premises - Kazi House Human Resources × Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfer (HACT) × Logistics/transport × ICT √ Procurement × COMMUNICATING AS ONE coherent messaging and advocacy on normative and operational matters Joint communication strategy √ Common tools – Team Works, Website, Umoja Newsletter Common messaging and advocacy √

UN System-wide Action Plan on Youth 12 January January 2012 – The UN Secretary-General’s initiative of working with and for young people as a priority of his Five-year Action Agenda called for the development of a UN System-wide Action Plan on Youth (Youth- SWAP). October 31, 2013 October 31, 2013 – The Tanzania Country Management Team (UNCMT) endorsed the creation of UN Inter-agency Network on Youth Development (IANYD) to provide strategic guidance on the UN’s response in addressing development needs of young people in Tanzania and to advise the UNCMT on how best to place youth rights and development in the current and future UNDAP, including the formation of working groups and joint programs on each of the UN Global SWAP thematic areas

UN-SWAP Global Thematic Areas

UNJP - Youth Employment PUNs – ILO, UNIDO, FAO, UN Women Donor – SidaUSD 1,800,000 Energy Sector Transformation and Opportunities for Youth PUNs – ILO, UNDP, YUNA Donor – Norway Economic Empowerment & Livelihoods Development for Adolescents (HIV/AIDS), PUNs – ILO, UNICEF Pipeline! UNJP - Tanzania’s Productive Social Safety Nets PUNs - UNDP, UNICEF, UNPFA, ILO and WFP Donor – SDG-FUSD 176,000 Some Joint programs on the UN Global SWAP thematic areas

UN Joint Programme Youth Employment UN Joint Programme Youth Employment Programme to develop an integrated strategy in addressing the youth employment challenge in Tanzania. It manifests itself in the form of unemployment, underemployment, poor employment conditions and lack of an integrated approach and focuses on 5 impact areas; 1) sustainable enterprise development, 2) decent work for youth, 3) enhancing agriculture productivity, 4) skills development and 5) building labour market information systems.

Underlying Rationale Under UNDAP: agencies deliver towards common goals with shared results Now step further: JPYE and other JPs are thematically focused with integrated interventions by multiple actors Moving towards shared implementation and shared results Using and capitalizing on the competitive advantage of each UN agency at different project stages

Implementation Framework e.g. agr. Value Chain Inputs Production Processing Packaging Transport Sales UNIDO FAO & ILOFAO UNIDO Youth Enterprise Youth FAO Youth FAO Farmers Cooperatives & Associations ILO & FAO UNWOMEN: training and capacity building for women

Levels of Interventions 1. Upstream – Macro-level 2. Downstream – Micro-level - Value Chain Approach Policy and Statistics: strengthening statistical system for collection and processing of data related to employment To inform National policies, strategies, plans and programmes Different interventions along the value chain by different UN agencies in a coordinated and coherent manner Selected Value Chains for joint interventions and collaboration Scaling up existing interventions and maximise impact

Opportunities at the National and UN Level Strong national ownership and government leadership Align UN programmes and funding more closely to national priorities i.e. Responds more strongly to national needs Joint resource mobilization, Simplifies resource flows and increased transparency, Brings together comparative strengths of the UN & Increased coherence of planning Better delivery and reporting of results

Opportunities for ILO Mainstreaming Decent Work Agenda in the UN e.g. in the MKUKUTA/MKUZA Clusters of economic growth, social protection and governance Elevated roles of ILO constituents in UN programming and management Resource mobilization Increased visibility of the ILO in a country and in the UN – leverages and reach

Challenges & Mitigation Strategy Challenges 1.Scope of the exercise vs. Agency capacity e.g. Sufficient and qualified personnel 2.UN organizations established own specific mandates 3.Accountable, empowered leader and Country Team 4.Resources Mobilization Strategy and Sustainability of One Fund 5.Competition for funds (decentralization of funding responsibilities by PUNs) Mitigation 1.Empowerment and support to joint programming personnel 2.capitalize on the strengths and comparative advantages of the different members of the UN 3.Effective leadership, tools, incentives and sanctions for better coordination 4.Mapping of donor priorities and approaches to financing/focus on Specific, flexible and pragmatic resources mobilization 5.Objective eligibility and performance based criteria. Link budgets to implementation and absorption capacity.

Conclusion DaO and Joint Programming progress depends on engagement, vision, strategies and resources. Teams are inevitable tool both within and among PUNs The commitment and political will of all partners, all stakeholders at field level and at HQs is imperative. Joint programme provides an opportunity for the UN to leverage resources, expertise and experience The Tanzania UNDAP has brought greater programmatic coherence, greater synergies and has helped the UN in responding better to the national priorities

Asanteni Sana Thanks Very Much Tatenda zikomo ekele


UNDAP Programme Management Levels UNCMTPOMTPWGEconGrowthGovernanceSocProHIV Human Rights IAGGOMTPMEUNCG UNCMT – UN Country Management team POMT – Programme and Operations Management Team PWG – Programme working Group OMT – Operations management team PME – Programme Monitoring and evaluation UNCG – UN Communications Group Heads of Agencies Deputy Directors and Senior Officers Technical Officers ILO Director UNDAP Coordinator NPCs DaO Challenge 1 - Scope of the exercise vs. ILO’s capacity

Management and Coordination Arrangements Economic Growth PWG (Led by FAO) Outcome Level WG Sustainable Enterprise Development (Led by ILO) Outcome Level WG Decent Work for Youth (Led by ILO) Outcome Level WG Agricultural Productivity (Led by FAO) Outcome Level WG Skills Development (Led by UNIDO) Outcome Level WG LMIS (Led by ILO) YE Technical Team (Led by ILO) UN HoA on YE (Led by ILO) UNJP Steering Committee

UNDAF and UNDAP: What is Different? UNDAF Jan 2007 – June 2011UNDAP July 2011 – June A framework for the UN agencies to operate within Tanzania 1. A business plan for the UN agencies in Tanzania 2. Echoes Tanzania’s development priorities to which the UN would contribute 2. Articulates the contribution of the UN agencies to the national priorities 3. Agencies developed individual plans using UNDAF as the overarching framework (out of these 9 joint programmes developed) 3. UNDAP is the plan for all UN agencies in Tanzania 4. Only joint programme reports reviewed annually (performance based fund allocations) 4. Entire UN programme reviewed annually (performance based fund allocations)