1 Strategy and Resources Committee - Performance Management Reporting: Quarter 4 Guide to reporting Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Key Service Priorities 2007/08
2 Guide to Reporting = The target has been met in the financial year. = Warning that the achievement of the target in the way specified in the plan may not be possible or the outturn is <10% from the target. Although no decision is required at this stage to amend the action, an explanation is required. = Target is no longer achievable in the way specified or the outturn is >10% from the target. This requires a decision about remedial action. Direction of travel from the previous quarter Achieved
3 Key Service Priorities 2006/07 Strategy and Resources Committee
4 Key Service Priority Achievements 2006/07 To retain Level Three in the Council’s Use of Resources statement by the end of 2006/07: Level 3 retained. Employee Satisfaction Survey: actions identified following October 2005 undertaken and follow up survey in April 2006 carried out. October 2006 survey was completed and results have been published.
5 Key Service Priority Achievements 2006/07 (Cont’d) Implement Year 1 of the Learning and Development Strategy; first cohort training underway with three modules delivered and associated coursework completed. Second cohort has commenced in June Implement Year 1 of the Health and Safety Action Plan: All actions completed. Stress Audit undertaken as part of Staff Satisfaction Survey. To prepare and agree the 2007/08 budget in accordance with Financial Strategy. Budget agreed by Council February 2007, all policy committee revenue and capital budget recommendations approved by Council.
6 Key Service Priorities 2006/07 There are three KSP’s at : Staffing – a number of actions have been achieved but some, including final adoption of the HR Strategy and reduction of staff sickness, have not. HR Strategy will be adopted following approval of new Corporate Plan To implement Year 1 of the Improvement Plan for Customer Contact: Actions outstanding include the adoption of Service Standards, staff audit and pilot of Bourne Hall reception area. A number of actions are now programmed for this quarter. Directors are reviewing timetable for remainder.
7 Key Service Priorities 2006/07 (cont’d) To develop an Energy Management Plan across all Council – owned buildings by the end of October To implement the actions in the Energy Management Plan scheduled from 1 November 2006 to 31 March Recommendations and an action plan resulting from the energy audits has been delayed due to staff shortages internally and pending the appointment of the new sustainable energy post. This post has now been filled and a revised timetable will be agreed.
8 There is one significant action at : Sickness: to achieved and improve upon target of 8.6 days per employee as stated in the Best Value Performance Plan Despite considerable effort being made in this area in the last 12 months, long term sickness continues to be a problem. New targets have been set for staff sickness in 2007/08 reflecting success of actions to control short-term absence but continuing numbers of long-term absences. Key Service Priorities 2006/07
9 Key Service Priorities 2007/08 To develop the new Corporate Plan 2007 to 2011 for approval at S&R Committee in September 2007 and implement any action identified for this financial year. To develop a new four-year Financial Plan for the Council prior to the approval of the 2008/09 budget in February To communicate the new Corporate Plan to key stakeholders, including residents, within 4 months of adoption.
10 Key Service Priorities 2007/08 To develop and implement an equalities and disabilities campaign. Implement a joint service delivery project with SCC or one or more District. To develop (by end of April 2007) a new service review programme to replace Best Value Reviews for 2007/08; and undertake those reviews identified for 2007/08.