Rutland Together (Local Strategic Partnership) Culture & Leisure Strategy
What is the Strategy for? At present some sport, leisure and cultural services are provided directly by RCC Other services are delivered by community and voluntary organisations This Strategy has been developed by the LSP to ensure it is directed by the community It contains: A Vision for Culture & Leisure A review of current position and achievements The context for investment in culture and leisure An Outline Action Plan for improvements over the next 3 years
Shared Vision for Culture and Leisure To make Rutland an attractive place for tourists, visitors and residents where all can take part in sports, cultural and recreational activities and be inspired by our cultural and natural heritage thereby enjoying a better quality of life
Key Strategy Elements Events - maximising the range of activities in Rutland to ensure cultural and sporting opportunities for all Venues - maximising the use of our assets, from major venues to parks and greens; encouraging the development of further venues for sporting, leisure and cultural activity Participation - increasing volunteering and attendance by supporting and directing residents and visitors to the opportunities in Rutland Publicity - improving range and reach of materials using both traditional print, media and social networking Coordination - ensuring that promotional work is coordinated to avoid duplication of effort & event clashes
Action Plan The Action Plan is broken down in to themes Each theme has activities (in white) and potential investment areas (in blue) We would like feedback and views on specific improvements that would be welcomed in each parish Funding for high priority improvements may be available through Section 106 / CIL funding – but we need to understand your priorities
Adoption of the Strategy The Strategy has been agreed by the Culture & Leisure Theme Group of the Local Strategic Partnership It has been presented to the Places Scrutiny Panel, who supported the adoption of the Strategy by Rutland County Council The Strategy outlines what kinds of infrastructure improvements would be desirable, but does not in many cases specify locations We will be developing a Delivery Plan which will define more clearly the places that investment would be most beneficial We would like your comments and views to inform the Delivery Plan, before the Strategy proceeds to RCC Cabinet Any comments and suggestions can be directed to Robert Clayton: or by post to Rutland County Museum, Catmos Street, Oakham, LE15 6HW