IPA Component IV - Human Resources Development - European Union Program for Croatia Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Project office: Lastovska 23, 1000 Zagreb, Tel: Main project partner This project is implemented by a SQA-led consortium Qualification Strategy- A plan for structured development David Tournay
Sector Qualification Strategy – what is it? Plan for what is needed to ensure training and qualifications are focused on the needs of employers Plan for what qualifications need to be revised or newly created Tool to ensures that development is co-ordinated and organised within and across sectors Reference tool for all partners involved, including government, employers, VET Schools, trade bodies Benchmark to measure progress
Why plan qualifications? 1.Need to understand what already exists 2. Want to build on what works well in terms of learning and development/qualifications 3. Want to ensure that qualifications prepare workforce for the future 4. Want to build qualifications based on what employers value 5. Want to ensure that qualifications support genuine workforce development 6. Want to ensure that qualifications have long term benefits to industry and the wider economy/society 7. Want to highlight the different ‘purposes’ that qualifications can have 8. Want to ensure that work based qualifications provide progression from school based qualifications
The process: 1. Read the template sections to understand what is required 2. Gather information that you already have about qualifications and training 3. Identify further information needed May need to do some field based research 4. Talk to employers about future needs and what they want from vocational training/qualifications 5. Develop clear objectives about priority activities Gain input from VET Schools as well Much of this will be in the ‘Sector Profile’ 6. Produce action plans
Data about your industry sector and its employers What is already out there being used? – what are its strengths and weaknesses? Clear plan for the future based on evidence. Clear set of objectives about what has to be achieved. Must have employer input Gain input from VET Schools More employer input! Template in summary:
Who to involve ? Development should be led by 1 person in the Sector Council Involve other members of the team especially senior management – this is a strategic document Employers – of all sizes, directly and through unions, trade associations. Via one to one meetings and/or workshops VET Schools – via existing contact or workshops Must gain commitment from partners Involve in the whole process and ask for comment on drafts
What happens when it is complete? Ensure the strategy is distributed and shared May want to break strategy down into smaller ‘action plans’ to help manage its implementation Ensure it is constantly used to inform development Do not let it sit on a shelf! Review the strategy regularly – is it still relevant, is it up to date? Ensure employers are involved with review – can they see the results yet?