IASE National Conference Towards a Comprehensive Employment Strategy for People with Disabilities Dermot Mulligan Head of Labour Force Development Division, Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment 8 th November, 2007
Towards a Comprehensive Employment Strategy Introduction
Towards a Comprehensive Employment Strategy DETE Sectoral Plan for people with disabilities - launched in July, 2006 under Disability Act, 2005 and the National Disability Strategy (NDS) NDS involves : –Six Departmental Sectoral Plans –Multi – annual funding investment –Legislation to establish personal advocacy services for pwds
Key Components of DETE Sectoral Plan Developing a Comprehensive Employment Strategy for PWDs in co-operation with other Government Departments and Agencies Advancing the mainstreaming agenda across the organisation and its agencies
Comprehensive Employment Strategy Key targets under the Comprehensive Employment Strategy: Increase the employment rate for PwDs from 37% to 45% by 2016 Increase the participation of people with disabilities in work, training and education to 50% by 2016 Ensure availability of effective training and preparation for employment – through FÁS vocational training strategy
Comprehensive Employment Strategy - consultation Implementation of Strategy through consultation with key stakeholders Consultative Forum on the Employment Strategy for people with Disabilities has been established – met four times Membership includes representatives from other Government Departments, social partners, and National Disability Strategy Stakeholder Monitoring Groups Provides a channel to provide views and discuss strategic issues that will impact on the implementation of the Strategy.
Comprehensive Employment Strategy Key Elements: Enhancing training and employment programmes Developing supports to open labour market employment Developing supports to promote employment retention relating to acquired disabilities
Enhancing Training and Employment Programmes Implementation of FAS Strategy for vocational training – included in DETE Sectoral Plan - sets targets for all areas of training - promotes choice and flexibility to meet different needs Specialist Training Providers to assist with mainline training - 2,000 places – implementation of Indecon recommendations underway Bridging between HSE and FAS - proposals by early 2008
Enhancing Training and Employment Programmes Community Employment programme – PwDs over 4,500 places – Participation limit raised by one year for PwDs Roll-out of individual-specific Individual Learner Plans underway
Developing Supports to Open Labour Market Employment FAS Wage Subsidy Scheme Offers financial subsidy to employers outside the public sector to employ people with disabilities. Eligible employees can benefit from the DSFA Back to Work Allowance Scheme. Budget is € 10.5 million - 1,100 current participants. Performance and effectiveness of WSS being reviewed - report early Supported Employment: 2,300 places - €8m – being reviewed
Developing Job Retention Supports Job retention, following disability acquired during working life identified as key issue by Consultative Forum – 80% of disabilities acquired during working life Research has been commissioned to form basis for new policies and programmes to address issue – report in early Supportive workplace culture needs to be encouraged.
Advancing Mainstreaming agenda across DETE and its agencies Disability Act, 2005 gives legal effect to Government’s mainstreaming policy Mainstreaming requires every public body to consider PWD, and disabilities issues as part of core work Objective is about greater integration of services, more choice and options to PWD
Advancing Mainstreaming agenda across DETE and its agencies Mainstreaming being promoted across range of DETE services including: –Consumer Affairs - will work towards addressing needs of vulnerable consumers –Disability incorporated into Business Plans guidelines for all Divisions in DETE
Towards a Comprehensive Employment Strategy Summary & Conclusion Comprehensive Employment Strategy – key elements: Enhancing training and employment programmes Developing supports to open labour market employment Developing employment retention supports Consultative Forum Advancing the mainstreaming agenda across the organisation and its agencies Thank you