The Arizona Community of Practice (AzCoPT) June 12,
Secondary Education Individualized Education Transition Plan Adult Support and Services Individualized Services Support Plan Eligible Individualized Supports and Services into Adulthood Interagency Collaboration 2 Transition Planning Components
National Community of Practice (IDEA Partnership) (53 Members) State Community of Practice Wisconsin/Pennsylvania State Community of Practice Arizona Community of Practice on Transition (AZCOPT) Local Community of Practice Mingus Mountain Local Community of Practice Flagstaff Local Community of Practice Window Rock National State Local 3 Community of Practice
AzCoPT History (“Fits and Starts”) Started collaboration meetings on February 13, 2002 Arizona Transition Leadership Team (ATLT), Developed Mission, vision and guiding principals Agendas centered on; What was new in the field Projects Committee work 1. Data Collection 2. Initiating Systems Change 3. Improving Programs/Best Practice 4. Increasing Youth and Family Involvement Community of Practice Conference Calls National Conferences (2000-Present) 4
AzCoPT Since then… Revised mission, vision and guiding principals Renewed as the Arizona Community of Practice on Transition (AzCoPT in 2009) Agendas center on: Projects and collaborative work Updates from each participant National Community of Practice conference call involvement Increased participation at the national CoP conferences Created a ”partners” presentation Supporting development of local CoPs 5
Purpose: To Improve Successful Outcomes for Youth and Young Adults with Disabilities AZCoPT : is a mechanism for organizational collaboration includes family and youth/young adult voices is a vehicle for information sharing across stakeholders identifies resources (including funding), people and data to improve outcomes AzCoPT 6
The who of the AZCoPT Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)/ a.k.a. Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Office for Children with Special Health Care Needs (OCSHCN) Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) OSERS/Tribal 121 programs Arizona Department of Education Parent Training and Information Center Youth, Young Adults and Family AzCoPT 7
Structure Meet monthly, first Thursday of the month Standardized agenda Standardized format for meeting minutes Established formal protocol for committee membership Shared leadership with defined “terms of office” including committee chair and “secretary” Identify opportunities for collaboration and joint work Participate in National Community of Practice calls Attend annual National Community of Practice meeting AzCoPT 8
Current Activities: 1. Partners Presentation at: Career and Technical Education Conference Dropout Prevention Conference Arizona’s Annual Statewide Secondary Transition Conference Agency Regional Professional Development Days 2. Support of the Local Communities of Practice State committee Ambassadors Start-up and ongoing support 3. Outcomes Data: What data exists? What does it say? How can it be used collaboratively? AzCoPT 9
Current Activities: 4. Sharedwork/National Community of Practice: Meeting in North Carolina (each May), Monthly CoP Calls Annual Strategic Plan 5. Arizona Career Information System (AzCIS)/ Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP) How can we facilitate AzCIS use across stakeholders? 6. Professional Development and Technical Assistance Agency Training Manual for Arizona Children's Executive Council (DBHS) 7. Committee Member Updates Opportunities to support or be supported (intentional listening) AzCoPT 10
Accomplishments: Presentations to stakeholder staff Presented at the Statewide Secondary Transition Conference Membership in cross-stakeholder committees Presented on Significant Intellectual Disabilities Connected with Youth in Transition, Northern Arizona Behavioral Health Authority Integrated into Secondary Transition Mentoring Project, Arizona Department of Education grant Presented at the Assistive Technology Conference Presented at the Behavioral Health Family Development Conference Presented at the Arizona Corrections Education Conference Created “Ambassadors” to work with Local Community of Practice groups Presented at Hopi Disabilities Awareness Conference AzCoPT 11
Accomplishments: OCSHCN provided scholarships for youth to attend the Transition Conference OCSHCN is translating a Transfer of Rights document into Spanish DDD revised guidance document to foster a clear understanding of IDEA law relative to graduation Invited Window Rock, Mingus Mountain, and Flagstaff to be local communities of practice Invitation to be a part of the “Blueprint for Collaboration” efforts with the IDEA Partnership Support and Presence at Youth Empowerment Summit (May 5, 2013) Are moving towards a common information portfolio that can move across all stakeholders (AZCIS) Supported the expansion of participation in Tribal 121 grant opportunities through the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) for Native Americans 12 AzCoPT
13 Accomplishments: Facilitated the development of a new Tribal 121 Program for Salt River Pima Rehabilitation Services Established a more consistent representation from youth Increased parent and family involvement Statewide Parent Training and Information (PTI) representation Disability-specific family support group representation Facilitating more positive involvement between the secondary education Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process and the adult state agency planning processes (BH and DD) Have increased the awareness of health in transition planning Collaboration on ACEC subcommittee to develop content for Behavioral Health training manuals 13 AzCoPT
Thank you! AzCoPT 14 Can we answer any questions for you?