Designing the Age Friendly Worksite1 Module 5: Focus on the Individual Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite2 The MAP Table Action AreaExamples The Work Environment COMPLETE The Individual UP NEXT Work/Life Balance - Work Arrangements - Community Support
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite3 Causes of Death in the United States, 2005 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite4 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions Coronary Heart Disease and Age Data from National Health Interview Survey, 2006 Percent of People with High CHD
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite5 Prevalence of Chronic Conditions: Cancer and Age Data from National Health Interview Survey, 2006 Percent of People with Cancer
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite6 Leading Causes of Disability Among Persons Aged 18 Years or Older, United States, 1999 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite7 Data from National Health Interview Survey, 2006 Chronic Disease Increases with Age: Arthritis Age Group Percent of People with Arthritis
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite8 Low Back Pain in the Last Three Months, 2006
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite9 Construction: Chronic Conditions and Age Source: The Construction Chart Book, 4th Edition. CPWR
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite10 Diabetes in Construction Source: The Construction Chart Book, 4th Edition. CPWR
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite11 Construction vs. All Industries: Risk Factors Source: The Construction Chart Book, 4th Edition. CPWR
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite12 Annual Cost of Chronic Diseases CDC. The Power of Prevention. Reducing the Health and Economic Burden of Chronic Disease. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; Billion $
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite13 Per Capita Health Expenditures by Age, 2004 Age Group Dollars Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services Office of the Actuary National Health Statistics Group
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite14 Percentage of Employees with Health Insurance, by Industry and Source Source: The Construction Chart Book, 4th Edition. CPWR %
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite15 Three Levels of Health Promotion Level of ControlExamples Primary: Preventive ServicesInfluenza immunization Secondary: Early Diagnosis and Health Improvement Blood sugar screening for detecting diabetes Tertiary: Disease ManagementMedicine and exercise for people with heart disease
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite16 Elements of Health Promotion Health-related lifestyles Use of clinical preventive services
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite17 Elements of Health Promotion Health-related lifestyles: – healthy eating – physical activity – avoiding smoking – maintaining a healthy body weight Use of clinical preventive services
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite18 Elements of Health Promotion Health-related lifestyles Use of clinical preventive services: – smoking cessation treatment – vaccination – screening for cancer – screening for high blood pressure – screening for high cholesterol
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite19 Some Strategies Work Better Than Others (there are “Hierarchies of Control”) Preventing illnesses and injuries is more effective than treating them Making the job fit the worker is always better than trying to get the worker to fit the job Environmental or system change is more reliable than individual change
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite20 A Preventive Services Program Provide Services and Adopt Policies That Are Proven to Work Provide Incentives Communicate “why” and “how” Track Results Adapted From: Employment Based Prevention of Chronic Disease in Washington State, 2005 University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center December 2005
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite21 A Preventive Services Program Provide Services and Adopt Policies That Are Proven to Work – Smoking Cessation Counseling – Influenza and pneumonia vaccines – Breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening – Blood pressure and cholesterol screening – Physical activity and healthy eating promotion Provide Incentives Communicate “why” and “how” Track Results
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite22 A Preventive Services Program Provide Services and Adopt Policies That Are Proven to Work Provide Incentives – Reduce or eliminate cost sharing – Provide easy access and use: location, hours, child care Communicate “why” and “how” Track Results
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite23 A Preventive Services Program Provide Services and Adopt Policies That Are Proven to Work Provide Incentives Communicate “why” and “how” Track Results – Baseline data – Measure progress
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite24 A Preventive Services Program Provide Services and Adopt Policies That Are Proven to Work – Smoking Cessation Counseling – Influenza and pneumonia vaccines – Breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening – Blood pressure and cholesterol screening – Physical activity and healthy eating promotion Provide Incentives – Reduce or eliminate cost sharing – Provide easy access and use: location, hours, child care Communicate “why” and “how” Track Results – Baseline data – Measure progress
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite25 BUILT Program Building Trades Unions Ignite Less Tobacco Background – California State Building & Construction Trades Council – Resources for employers, unions, apprenticeship programs, workers and workers’ families – Resources in Spanish and English – Ignore the compliance-related information – Funding for the project’s development ended in 2007 Great resources are still available at a very low cost!
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite26 BUILT Program Objectives: – Provide resources on prevention and cessation of tobacco use to construction workers – Educate construction workers about the dangers of tobacco and the toxic exposures they face at work – Promote smoke-free environments on and off the job site – Counter pro-tobacco influences by showing how the tobacco industry has targeted blue-collar workers
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite27 BUILT Program BUILT Tools – Tobacco-Free Construction Worksites A comprehensive guide to several different forms of tobacco control on construction sites – Quitting Tobacco - The Next Step A program designed for employers to help them build a smoking cessation program – Tailgate Training Resources developed to educate workers – Signage for Use on the Construction Site
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite28 BUILT Program How and where it can be used – Through local unions – Through Health and Welfare Funds – Through Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees – Through Labor-Management Committees More information – About BUILT: – Placing orders: Search the website for “construction”
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite29 WA Workers Have High Risks From Jeff Harris, MD, U. of Washington, May 21, 2007 Source: Hughes, Hannon et al. WA BRFSS; Workers w/ Ins., age 18-64, Note: 40 percent of Washingtonians are already overweight or obese by ages Rises to 65 percent for those ages %
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite30 Percent of Employers’ Insurance Policies That Miss Opportunities From Jeff Harris, MD, U. of Washington, May 21, employers. Bondi et al. Am J Health Promot. 2006;20: %
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite31 Chronic diseases can be both prevented and managed, but… Employers under-purchase key clinical preventive services that offer the greatest value Washington State workers do not engage in health- related lifestyles that could prevent, delay, or manage chronic diseases Washington State workers under-use those same key, high-value clinical preventive services when they are offered From: Employment Based Prevention of Chronic Disease in Washington State University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center December 2005
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite32 Rose and Carlos
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite33 Questions Should Yeats encourage Rose and Carlos to exercise? Why or why not? If so, how do they go about it? Do you know anyone like Carlos at your organization?
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite34 Your Turn: The MAP Table Health Promotion and Disease Prevention IdeasAction Area The Individual
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite35 Your Turn: Funneling From: To: To: Early win : From: To:
Designing the Age Friendly Worksite36 Fitting Action Items into Action Plans Action AreaWhatWhoWhenHowChallengesNext Steps The Individual Action Item: ___________________________________ Who’s the leader? ___________________________________ When will it be done? __________________________________ How will it get accomplished? ____________________________ What are some initial challenges for this Action Item?: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________