Getting that job Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard
Getting that job Job searching : new techniques Keep plugged in : RCN Bulletin; NHS Jobs; NHS Professionals; hospital/employer websites; Twitter; alerts Read the right thing: Nursing and health journals, local paper; internal newsletters It’s not what but who you know- word of mouth; personal contacts and professional networks, conferences and events; recruitment agencies
Getting that job The employment market In August 2010 For qualified nurses, total vacancy rate was 2.5 per cent (8,153) compared to 3.1 per cent (10,014) for the previous year For unqualified nurses, total vacancy rate was 1.2 per cent (996) compared to 2.3 per cent (1,838) the previous year Employment rate to June 2010 was 70.5 per cent up 0.3 per cent on the quarter Employment is up 104,000 on the year but 507,000 lower than two years ago Increase in total employment mainly driven by part-time workers, which increased by 115,000 on the quarter to 7.84 million People in employment increased by 184,000 on the quarter to million, the largest quarterly increase since1992 Full-time workers increased by 68,000 on the quarter to reach million Vacancies for three months to July 2010 was 481,000,up 9,000 over the quarter
Getting that job Know yourself Analyse your skills honestly including out of work skills Examine your strengths and weaknesses Ask what kind of job you are looking for –be prepared to break your mould What is your long term career plan? What gives you most pleasure at work? What do you not enjoy in your current job? In your current job, what would you most like to retain/change?
Getting that job Market yourself Make sure people know you are available Get out and about Use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Practise your unique selling points and qualities Refine your political knowledge and standpoint Have your CV and portfolio in tip top condition Use informal visits and interviews as learning experiences
Getting that job Behave yourself Look and act the job you want Act up into the job you want Take a course; consult a career counsellor Look the part – first impressions count Dress the part and the acting gets easier Be confident, believe in yourself and have a USP
Getting that job Support yourself Consult a career counsellor Find a mentor(s) Use learning sets and peer networks Attend a career development seminar Update your specialty skills
Getting that job Employers want Confidence, positive attitude, motivator Problem solver, negotiator and decision maker Knowledgeable, expert, initiator and innovator Communicator
Getting that job That interview You never get a second chance to make a first impression Present a professional image Do the homework and prepare, rehearse and know the commonly asked questions Know your interviewers and if possible, your competition Play up your achievements – do yourself justice
Getting that job Get the CV right Overview of career to date Integrate person specification and job description requirements Integrate intelligence gained in informal visits or conversations Include professional development and extra – curricular activities If application form is mandatory, give information that is asked for
Getting that job Frances Pickersgill Development Editor Nursing Standard