Overview of UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme in ASEAN UNITAR/ILO Global GHS Capacity Building Programme
1 OUTLINE Introduction UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme in ASEAN Proposed Methodology for Developing National GHS Implementation Strategies WSSD Global GHS Partnership Resources
2 Introduction
3 What is the GHS?
4 Why is the GHS Important?
6 GHS Implementation and Capacity Building WSSD Target UN Subcommittee of Experts on the GHS (SCEGHS) UNITAR/ILO nominated as focal point Some 65 countries interested in GHS capacity building Included in APEC Chemical Dialogue
7 UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme in ASEAN
8 ASEAN GHS Project: strengthen capacities in ASEAN to implement the GHS by the year pilot countries - Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand Participation of government, industry and civil society key to success of project regional activities involving all ASEAN countries supported by Government of Switzerland and European Commission
9 Project Goal in ASEAN Pilot Countries To facilitate development of a National GHS Implementation Strategy in all GHS sectors through collaboration of government, industry and civil society
10 National Project Objectives to raise awareness of, and train decision- makers and relevant experts about GHS to initiate action for GHS implementation in all four sectors affected by GHS (industrial production, agriculture, transport, consumer products) to facilitate drafting and endorsement of national GHS-implementing legislation for all four sectors
11 to facilitate capacity development for GHS implementation in the private sector to facilitate non-profil civil society and labour participation in GHS strategy development and implementation to develop and ensure high-level endorsement of a National GHS Implementation Strategy National Project Objectives cont.
12 Regional Activities in ASEAN GHS Workshop in ASEAN Consideration of ASEAN Regional GHS Capacity Assessment Possible Development of an ASEAN GHS Implementation Strategy Regional activities by industry and civil society Regional ASEAN GHS Review Workshop – 2007
13 UNITAR/ILO Global GHS Capacity Building Programme Initiated in 2001 – provides updates to UN SCEGHS and other relevant bodies Previous regional activities (workshops in SADC and for South America) and country- based pilot projects (Zambia, South Africa, Senegal and Sri Lanka) Pilot tested guidance materials and national action plan methodologies
14 UNITAR/ILO Global GHS Capacity Building Programme Global trust fund - multiple donors (including the Governments of Switzerland, the Netherlands, Canada, US and the European Union) Guidance and oversight provided by Programme Advisory Group (PAG) of interested organizations and individuals
15 Current Activities support for 7 country-based pilot projects in Indonesia, Nigeria, Philippines, Senegal, Slovenia, Thailand, The Gambia Regional activities in ASEAN, and likely West Africa and Central Eastern Europe Revision and further development of guidance materials Global Thematic Workshop on Strengthening Capacities for GHS Implementation (Nov 2005) Other requests for support under consideration, subject to availability of resources
16 Developing National GHS Implementation Strategies
17 National Implementation Strategy Development – Key Actors Government –Legal and institutional infrastructure Industry –Apply classification and labelling requirements –Responsible for training, SDS provision Non-profit Civil Society –Labour, consumers, NGOs
18 National Implementation Strategy Development – Key Sectors Industrial Workplace Agriculture Transport Consumer products
19 National organisation and coordination Situation Analysis Gap Analysis Comprehensibility Testing Key First Steps
20 Sectoral implementation plans and development of a National Strategy… Industrial Workplace Agriculture Transport Consumer Products National Implementation Strategy GHS Implementation Regulatory review and adjustments…..
21 Other Important Activities National Workshop(s) Activities in Industry Activities in Civil Society Awareness raising High level endorsement
22 WSSD Global GHS Partnership
23 Goal of GHS Partnership: To mobilize support and catalyze partnerships for concrete activities at the global, regional and national levels to strengthen capacities in developing countries and countries in transition towards effective implementation of the GHS for industrial chemicals, agricultural chemicals, chemicals in transport and consumer chemicals
24 make concrete and value added contributions to the outcomes of the WSSD -- more than 200 in existence initiated by UNITAR, ILO, OECD formal launch in Johannesburg, 30 August initial financial support from Government of Switzerland and ICCA First Meeting of Partners, 10 July 2003 (report available) WSSD Global GHS Partnership
25 WSSD Global GHS Partnership Forum IV Side-Event 2003, support of several organizations Forum IV GHS “Action Plan” based on workplan of Partnership Interactive Partnership website Second Meeting of Partners (planned for 2006)
26 Resources
27 Resources for GHS Capacity Building UNITAR/ILO Guidance Document “Developing a National GHS Implementation Strategy” (Aug. 2005) Other resources –Guidance Manual for Comprehensibility Testing –GHS Capacity Building Library (online and CD ROM) –Regional Workshop Reports –WSSD GHS Partnership Annual Reports –Other Guidance currently under development
28 Web resources UNITAR/ILO GHS Capacity Building Programme: WSSD GHS Partnership:
30 Contacts Training and Capacity Building Programmes in Chemicals and Waste Management UNITAR Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland Fax: Website: