Impulse Presentation Twin City Vienna - Bratislava Placing Vienna and Bratislava | Project 3 | Coordination: R.Giffinger, D. Müller, G. Gutheil, T. Dillinger, W. Gerlich Competence Section Regional Science | University of Technology Vienna Thomas Auböck | Simon Hartl | Eva Kaipel | Gudrun Maierbrugger | Gudula Pawelak | Christian Fertner | [Workshop II, 6./7., april, 2006]
Contents Introduction to strategic concepts and technical terms Vienna Copenhagen-Malmö
Origins: first strategy plan published in 2000 (awareness of new framework conditions and EU – accession) 2001: decision to evaluate and actualise strategy plan 2000 strategy plan 2004 Strategic Planning in Vienna Actors: directly in responsability of mayor Elaboration by several sections of municipality in coequal and coordinated way Support by external experts and in „…dialogue with citizens“
Contents of Strategy Plan 2004: Vision: 12 chapters, e.g. Vienna as economic center in a strong region, intelligent mobility, … 5 strategic fields: The position of Vienna in europe an in the region New perspectives for economy and labour market Science, education, culture and leisure Quality of natural and urban spaces Quality of life and the environment Strategic projects: Centrope Cluster projects … Strategic Planning in Vienna
Vision: Dictionary: „an image of the future we seek to create“ In business management and politics often used as synonym for „strategic goal“ or „idea“ Long-term orientation In viennese strategy plan quasi preamble Technical Terms
Strategic Field: Integrative approach: each field elaborated by several sections of municipality in a coordinated way concern ideal development of whole city (integrative) claim to be all- embracing Shall describe the big, everyday – life fields of development Differentiated into sub-chapters action programm (measures in order to reach goals) attached Technical Terms Strategic Project: Used as example for innovative approaches model character Mission: best practises establish new developments and serve as impulses Do not represent an integrative development
Co-operation on different spatial levels –Öresundskomiteen –HUR and Region Skåne –The cities of Copenhagen and Malmö –The cities of Helsingør and Helsingborg Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region
Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Öresund Committee –Political forum set up in 1992 –4 x / year political meetings, 32 members –Aim: Europe‘s most functionally integrated border region –Action plan for the ÖC : 3 Aims with broad defined measures –ÖC also acts as Interreg secretariat
Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Regional level –HUR (Greater Copenhagen Authority) & Region Scania –Co-operation set up in 2000 –4 x / year political meetings –Current project „Development of an Action plan for Growth in the Öresund region“
Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Local level –Copenhagen and Malmö –Vision „Copenhagen and Malmö – one city“ adopted in 2000 –2 x / year political meetings –Aim: Reducing barriers for inhabitants to cross the border –Action plan for co-operation for : Common ambitions 4 Action areas with sub-areas
Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Local level –Helsingør and Helsingborg –”HH-samarbejdet” set up in 1995 –Aim: Growth & living quality, good position towards Cph-Malmö –Framework document for co- operation for : 5 Focus areas Aims, concrete intiatives and demanded results for each