Impulse Presentation Twin City Vienna - Bratislava Placing Vienna and Bratislava | Project 3 | Coordination: R.Giffinger, D. Müller, G. Gutheil, T. Dillinger,


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Presentation transcript:

Impulse Presentation Twin City Vienna - Bratislava Placing Vienna and Bratislava | Project 3 | Coordination: R.Giffinger, D. Müller, G. Gutheil, T. Dillinger, W. Gerlich Competence Section Regional Science | University of Technology Vienna Thomas Auböck | Simon Hartl | Eva Kaipel | Gudrun Maierbrugger | Gudula Pawelak | Christian Fertner | [Workshop II, 6./7., april, 2006]

Contents Introduction to strategic concepts and technical terms  Vienna  Copenhagen-Malmö

Origins:  first strategy plan published in 2000 (awareness of new framework conditions and EU – accession)  2001: decision to evaluate and actualise strategy plan 2000  strategy plan 2004 Strategic Planning in Vienna Actors:  directly in responsability of mayor  Elaboration by several sections of municipality in coequal and coordinated way  Support by external experts and in „…dialogue with citizens“

Contents of Strategy Plan 2004:  Vision: 12 chapters, e.g. Vienna as economic center in a strong region, intelligent mobility, …  5 strategic fields:  The position of Vienna in europe an in the region  New perspectives for economy and labour market  Science, education, culture and leisure  Quality of natural and urban spaces  Quality of life and the environment  Strategic projects:  Centrope  Cluster projects  … Strategic Planning in Vienna

Vision:  Dictionary: „an image of the future we seek to create“  In business management and politics often used as synonym for „strategic goal“ or „idea“  Long-term orientation  In viennese strategy plan quasi preamble Technical Terms

Strategic Field:  Integrative approach:  each field elaborated by several sections of municipality in a coordinated way  concern ideal development of whole city (integrative)  claim to be all- embracing  Shall describe the big, everyday – life fields of development  Differentiated into sub-chapters  action programm (measures in order to reach goals) attached Technical Terms Strategic Project:  Used as example for innovative approaches  model character  Mission: best practises  establish new developments and serve as impulses  Do not represent an integrative development

Co-operation on different spatial levels –Öresundskomiteen –HUR and Region Skåne –The cities of Copenhagen and Malmö –The cities of Helsingør and Helsingborg Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region

Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Öresund Committee –Political forum set up in 1992 –4 x / year political meetings, 32 members –Aim: Europe‘s most functionally integrated border region –Action plan for the ÖC : 3 Aims with broad defined measures –ÖC also acts as Interreg secretariat

Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Regional level –HUR (Greater Copenhagen Authority) & Region Scania –Co-operation set up in 2000 –4 x / year political meetings –Current project „Development of an Action plan for Growth in the Öresund region“

Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Local level –Copenhagen and Malmö –Vision „Copenhagen and Malmö – one city“ adopted in 2000 –2 x / year political meetings –Aim: Reducing barriers for inhabitants to cross the border –Action plan for co-operation for : Common ambitions 4 Action areas with sub-areas

Co-operation strategies in the Öresund Region Local level –Helsingør and Helsingborg –”HH-samarbejdet” set up in 1995 –Aim: Growth & living quality, good position towards Cph-Malmö –Framework document for co- operation for : 5 Focus areas Aims, concrete intiatives and demanded results for each