Overview of the USA Health, Social problems and education
HIV distribution in the USA
Pre-teen Pregnancy Rate
Likely to ban abortion
Eighth Grade Students Achieving Proficiency in Reading, 2007 (%) Sources: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress. Notes: 8th grade public school students who scored at or above the proficient level in reading, as measured and defined by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). (-) indicates data unavailable or inapplicable
States that declined Abstinence-Only Federal Funding 2006 California $7,055,239 Connecticut $344,944 Maine $161,298 Minnesota $488,623 New Jersey $914,495 Pennsylvania $1,693,422 Rhode Island $165,277 Wisconsin $602,958 Wyoming $73,138
Abstinence only FOX News Texas data