Platform ASICs Reliability Bob Madge Miguel Vilchis LSI Logic, Milpitas, CA Vish Bhide
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge2 Three Aspects of Reliability Infant Mortality Failures (Latent Defects and active defects that are not screenable with Testing) Environmental induced Failures (SER etc..) Intrinsic Failures (Stress migration, electromigration, Wear-out, performance degradation)
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge3 Methods for Optimizing Reliability Design For Reliability Design for Defect Tolerance Design for SER tolerance Design for Stress Migration Tolerance Redundancy Process Improvements Defect Density Reduction Excursion Control Test Improvements Resistive Defect Fault Coverage Un-modeled fault coverage Statistical Testing
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge4 Platform ASIC – Infrastructure for Reliability Embedded Test and Repair Optimized Regular Logic Pre-Verified IP Process Monitor and Die Traceability Optimized Memory Configurable I/O
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge5 Platform ASIC Design For Reliability Allowable antenna ratios have a 3x margin Additional protection against plasma induced damage Protection against wearout mechanisms Stress Migration Electro Migration Hot Carrier Injection Time Dependent Dielectric Breakdown Vt stability The rules are considered conservative within the industry The rules are tested for fabrication capability, yield and reliability during qualification The libraries and layout tools strictly follow the design rules Cells with intentional design rule violations require qualification Tools such as relmil, BERT are available to the designers
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge6 Statistical Reliability Control
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge7 Continuous feedback and improvement During Development: Library elements are redesigned during the development cycle if design rules change Process/Tool changes are made if the libraries cannot change During production: The customer issues are continuously fed back Process changes are made if applicable Cell changes are made if necessary Current customers are protected by the MRB/TRB systems Redesigns incorporate the changes if necessary Future customers only receive the revised version Identification of issues by one customer benefits all others
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge8 Single Event Effects Mitigation LSI Logic platform ASICs using 0.18 um CMOS commercial process are designed using best practices for SEE mitigation optimization of n-well spacing and profile buried layer for latchup mitigation The mitigation strategies lead to SEL immunity to atmospheric neutron fluence of 5E10 n/cm 2 and SEU cross section of 4E-14 cm 2 /bit. This performance is superior to a typical commercial grade product. On chip error correction codes (ECC) for memory devices are available word interleaving for multi bit error mitigation
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge9 Radiation Performance Unlike commercial grade products, Platform ASICs using a 0.18 um CMOS modified process have been characterized for Total Ionizing Dose (TID), functional up to the maximum dose level of 300 krad-Si no noticeable degradation up to a total dose of 90 krad-Si. Unlike commercial grade products, Platform ASICs using a 0.18 um CMOS modified process have been characterized for heavy ion Single Event Effects (SEE) At LET of 75 MeV cm 2 /mg logic and SRAM blocks are immune to single event latchup (SEL) Single Event Upset saturation cross sections are 1E-06 cm 2 /bit and 7E-07 cm 2 /flip-flop Additionally, Platform ASICs using a um CMOS modified process have been characterized for heavy ion Single Event Effects (SEE) At LET of 108 MeV cm 2 /mg logic and SRAM blocks are immune to single event latchup (SEL) Single Event Upset cross sections data is under evaluation
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge10 Efficient Netlist Implementation Early and Intrinsic Failure rates and Soft Error Rates are proportional to the number of used gates and SRAM The platform ASICs implement the the RTL with minimum overhead of logic gates and require no configuration SRAM Efficient Implementation through mask configuration leads to lower product failure rate than a product that requires more gates to implement the same functionality
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge11 Maverick Silicon Screening Procedures Lot Level Lot Yield limits,Lot Acceptance testing >>>Minimum Quality Wafer Level Wafer Yield limits, Statistical Bin Limits Maverick Lot Control >>>>Medium Quality Die Level Iddq, VDD and Fmax Outlier Screening Dynamic and Enhanced Voltage Stress testing Adaptive Thresholds and limits Neighborhood Association or location Exclusion >>>>Maximum quality
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge12 Targeted Defect Coverage Reported Fault Coverage Tool reported Scan (target 99%), Iddq, Memory, Delay fault coverage. Weighted Fault Coverage (Test Coverage) Reported Fault Coverage weighted by Area of the chip. Defect Coverage Is a factor of : Weighted Fault Coverage, Fab. Defectivity Frequency, Gate Count and Outlier Screening Efficiency. Drives EFR and DPM Target 99.9%
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge13 LSI Logic Statistical Post-Processing™ Test Flow Wafer Test with full data collection and inkless wafermaps Post-processor #1 : Delta IDDq / MinVDD Post-processor #3 : Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Post-processor #2 : Neighborhood Residual (NNR) and Exclusion (NAE) Inkless Assembly Burn-in (special bins only) Final package test SHIP Modify Inkless Maps (upgrade or downgrade into special bins) (Final Test Post- Processing) Data Wafers Post-Processor #4: Temperature Ratios
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge14 SPP: Value Application: Burn-in elimination or reduction Burn-in candidates Rejection candidates
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge15 Speed Current Count Signal Overlap in Current Vs Speed
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge16 Statistical Post-Processing™ (SPP) used to Screen Test Outliers. SPP Concept # 1: Delta Iddq/MinV DD The delta between the Iddq or MinV DD of discrete tests or vectors within a device can be used to distinguish between defective die and defect-free die. SPP Concept # 2: Nearest Neighbor Residual (NNR) If Iddq/MinV DD for a given die location on a wafer is significantly higher than it’s neighbors, that die can be considered defective. SPP Concept #3 : Independent Component Analysis (ICA) Identification and elimination of independent sources of parametric variation for defect identification. SPP Concept #4 : Temperature Ratio Testing (US Patent Issue No. 6,532,431) Ratio of test parameters (Iddq, MinVDD, Fmax) at two different temperatures can be used to distinguish between defective and defect free die.
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge17 SPP to Screen MinV DD Outliers : “Nearest Neighbor Analysis (NNR)” NNR Outliers
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge18 Intrinsic Estimate Residual Count Defect Signal Resolution after Post-Processing SPP Limit
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge19 Resistive Defect Outlier Screening Resistive unfilled W Via
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge20 The two RMA parts are Feed- Forward MinVDD Outliers SPP Screening Temperature Dependant Defects
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge21 Downgrades at increasing “stringency” Good Die in Bad Neighborhoods – Latent Defect Post-Processing In production on G12
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge22 Location Based Downgrades Downgrade “good die” in “at-risk” locations like the edge
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge23 SPP: Application: New Technology Defectivity Control Defect Density Time Quality Time Defect Density Time SPP Stringency Time Quality Time Quality Ramp Guarantee Pre-emptive Variable Threshold control function
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge24 SPP: Application: Process Fluctuations and Maverick Lot Control Quality Time Feed Forward SPP Stringency Time Defect Density Time Quality Time Pre-emptive Variable Threshold control function Feed-forward Variable Threshold control function Defect Density Time Quality Ramp Guarantee
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge25 Quality improvement due to Statistical Post-Processing™ Overall EFR without SPP Overall EFR with SPP EFR/DPMDD Months
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge26 Reliability Improvement : Burn-in Results for SPP Outliers
#141 MAPLD 2005Bob Madge27 Overall data show at least 56% effectiveness. The EFR estimate for Bin1 population is data limited and likely to be at least 50% lower Therefore the overall effectiveness number is likely to be much higher.