The scope
Patient Doctors Specialty
Most anesthesiologist feels that they are under appreciated,when you ask either a surgeon or the patient they will say : “ anesthesia is the MOST important thing in the show “ Yet the patient does not recall the name of his anesthesiologist or even thank him as he would do for the surgeon.
“ I often get frustrated when patients attribute to their surgeons more concern for their overall medical well-being and perioperative safety than I have observed” Notes of an anesthesiologist
Patient Most of the time wearing surgical scrubs with out name tag or specialty The first encounter just at the OR prior to surgery. In recovery patient disoriented and does not recall events due to drugs. Usually no post operative follow up by the same doctor. Less contact between the anesthesiologist and the patient
Specialty Patient approaching other services as primary Anesthesia considered essential secondary service ( except in acute pain management ) The social trauma caused by misbelieve that anesthesia is the cause of failed surgery create a barrier ether due to pervious history or media. Misbelieve of having Limited procedures and routine medication administration
Implication : Less recruitment in to anesthesia practice. Less mural. Less self steam. Less control. Easy fatigue. Depression.
How my patient see me
How some surgeon see me
What is the problem with other collogue ? Under estimation of the specialty in real life. Interfering with clinical dissections. Use of inappropriate words. Any sour surgery, anesthesia will be blamed
Words Drug dealers. Sleep doctor. Give your milk quickly. Su du cu guys. Put him to sleep and read your news paper You are delaying us. You know nothing you are anesthetist ! You just put the tube. Death squad
Implication of anesthesiologist surgeon conflict. Indirect costs include negative publicity and media coverage, decreased morale, increased disability and worker’s compensation claims, increased turnover, and diversion of limited and valuable resources to dispute resolution, including legal remedies.
direct consequences of inadequate conflict resolution is an impediment to communication between the involved parties. If uninterrupted, such behavior fosters an unhealthy and dysfunctional work environment. Conflict and its resolution in the operating room Jonathan D. Katz MD (Clinical Professor)* Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06511, USA Received 7 December 2005; revised 12 July 2006; accepted 25 July 2006
Survey from Kuwait 34 doctors Anonymous questionnaire Different back grounds.
How many times did you have been insulted by other collage ?
How many times had you been insulted by other collage ?
How many times you felt under appreciated because you are anesthesiologist
Differential diagnosis 80 % 25% 50%
Incorrect, inadequate, or poorly communicated information is a frequent source of misunderstanding among OR personnel.
75 % 40 %
If hell brake through 1. Communicate. 2. Have mutual respect. 3. Explain potential issues. 4. Get to know each other. 5. Don't forget the goal. 6.Call the cavalry !
At the end …. You may deal with disruptive behavior. (1) threatening or abusive language. (2) degrading or demeaning comment. (3) profanity or other grossly offensive language. (4) threatening or intimidating physical contact. public derogatory comments about quality of care. (5) inappropriate entries into medical records. (6) idiosyncratic requirements imposed on staff that are unrelated to improved patient care.
Our reality The best The elite The life guard Most focused When all others fail we stand up
They need you
Thanks “My profession to me is a ministry from God.” Dr. Crawford Long, M.D., the physician who discovered sulfuric ether as an anesthetic