Ex 13
Articulations- joints - hold bones together - Allows for movement Classified based on - Structure - functionality
Functional classifications Synarthroses – immovable Amphiarthroses- slightly movable Diarthroses-freely movable
Types of Joints Fibrous Joints - Bones joined by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity - sutures - Syndesmoses (articulating bones are connected by ligaments - tibia and fibula) - Gomphosis- tooth in socket
Cartilaginous Joints -articulating bone ends are connected by a plate or pad of cartilage - symphyses- bones connected by a broad flat disc of fibrocartilage (intvert. Joints) - synchondroses- bones are untied by hyaline cartilage (costal cart. And first rib)
Synovial Joints - Articulating ends are separated by a joint cavity containing synovial fluid
Gliding joint Manubrium Clavicle Hinge joint Humerus Ulna Pivot joint Atlas Axis Ellipsoid joint Radius Ulna Scaphoid bone Saddle joint Trapezium Metacarpal bone of thumb Humerus Scapula Ball-and-socket joint Triaxial Biaxial Monaxial (rotation) Monaxial Slight nonaxial or multiaxial Acromioclavicular and claviculosternal joints Intercarpal and intertarsal joints Vertebrocostal joints Sacroiliac joints Elbow joint Knee joint Ankle joint Interphalangeal joint Atlas/axis Proximal radio-ulnar joint Metacarpophalangeal joints 2–5 Metatarsophalangeal joints Radiocarpal joint First carpometacarpal joint Shoulder joint Hip joint III I II
Joint Movements Every muscle that is attached a bone has two points: Origin- stationary Insertion-movable attachment
Hyperextension Extension Flexion Extension
Abduction Adduction
Head rotation Right rotation Left rotation Medial (internal) rotation Lateral (external) rotation
Supination Pronation
Eversion Inversion
Dorsiflexion (ankle flexion) Plantar flexion (ankle extenion)
Lateral flexion
Synovial Joints Hip Joint - Ball and socket - Movement in all planes Knee Joint - Three different types of joints - Movements: extension, flexion, and rotation Shoulder Joint -most freely moving -movements: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, and inner and outer rotation Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) -two different joins