Anatomy and Physiology The Practice of Yoga “You are as young as your spine is flexible.” The Spine twists, bends, flexes, protects the spinal cord 26 vertebrae - 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, sacrum (5 fused vertebrae), coccyx (4 fused vertebrae) Vertebral discs - cartilage, spine’s shock absorbers flexion, extension, rotation occurs at the discs Spine’s shape is like an “S” for stability and shock absorption, lumbar spine lordosis Strength and flexibility improve with yoga
Terms of Movement
The Joints and Yoga - Not all joints move to the same extent: vertebrae, shoulder, knee - Hinge joint…knee, elbow…respect the hinge (lotus pose) - Ball and Socket…shoulder, hip…very mobile and must also be protected Synovial fluid lubricates the joints Warm-up
Muscles Three types of muscle tissue - striated – skeletal muscles - smooth – visceral muscles - cardiac….striated, involuntary Muscles function as - agonist, prime movers - antagonist - synergists
Skeletal Muscle Components
Goodbye Rear View Striated, Voluntary Muscles
Front View Striated, Voluntary Muscles Power to the People
Muscles cont. - Muscles stretch…tendons don’t - Proprioceptors – found among muscle fibers, send information on muscle contraction/position to brain - Aerobic exercise - yoga, even Power yoga - Anaerobic exercise -“out of breath” - Muscle tension/contraction Isotonic…movement Isometric…same-length contraction
Possible Limitations Instructors Must Consider Five Important Physiological Factors Possible Limitations Instructors Must Consider Tension…muscles, tendons, ligaments Compression…physical limits caused by bones or tissues Bone length…each of us is different Strength…significant limitation for beginners Orientation…influenced by age, posture, injury history There is great variety in the appearance of “the correct pose.” Our challenge is to recognize individuality and to help students improve all aspects of their yoga practice.
No Pain! No Pain! - Those who are most flexible must take care - Most start yoga with little body self-knowledge - Class introductory remarks Take care of yourself Modify the pose No pain Vertigo Some pay no attention, competitive nature - Breath before pose – “Working the Edge”