University of Florida Plant Breeders Perspectives Presented by Jay Scott.


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Presentation transcript:

University of Florida Plant Breeders Perspectives Presented by Jay Scott

Severe reduction in Public Plant Breeding Programs [eg lost 12.5 scientist years] 2.Increase in Private sector Plant Breeding [eg gained 32 scientist years]

Human Input to Variety Development*  Private – 80%  SAES – 41%  USDA – 12% * Source : Frey, K.J National Plant Breeding Study I. Human and financial resources devoted to plant breeding research and development in the United States in Spec. Rep. 98, Iowa State University, Ames.

Plant Breeding in an Academic Enterprise At UF, plant breeding has several goals: 1.Develop improved cultivars 2.Basic research (published) Improve the breeding process Discover new traits/molecular markers 3.Educate clientele about cultivars 4.Teaching Train new plant breeders Teach basics of plant breeding Research Extension Teaching

Plant Breeding in a Commercial Enterprise In companies, plant breeding has several goals: 1.Develop improved cultivars 2.Basic research (internal) Improve the breeding process Discover new traits 3.Sell cultivars to clientele The primary element in common between academic and commercial plant breeding is cultivar development, so, the chief goal of plant breeding is development of improved cultivars. Research Sales

Plant Breeding in an Academic Enterprise (in contrast to a Commercial Enterprise) The chief goal of plant breeding is improved cultivars. In private business, the path to sales is straightforward. In an academic enterprise, the path to sales is not. Sales/Commercialization is a necessity to meet the goal. Goals of PBAcademicCommercial Improved cultivars Basic Research? Educate growersXX Train new plant breedersXX SalesXX

What is the role of UF-IFAS in the public plant breeding process? 1.Manage personnel and support needed for plant breeding research, teaching and extension 2.Protect the integrity of UF-IFAS –Establish quality standards for cultivar release Cultivar release policy –Protect plant material from unauthorized use Manage MTA’s and Research Agreements 3.Establish rules by which funds are dispersed –UF Intellectual Property Policy (

UF PLANT BREEDERS WORKGROUP HISTORY/ACCOMPLISHMENTS Formed in 1993, meet once a year, executive committee meets with Dean of Research four times a year With IFAS administration established a breeder-friendly royalty plan for germplasm releases Presently establishing a plant breeding curriculum Promote plant breeding at UF

UNIQUE FEATURES OF UF PLANT BREEDING VS. OTHER STATES Wide diversity of crops, several not being bred (much) in the private sector Subtropical environment-relevance to worldwide tropical agriculture “No” neighboring states

Plant Breeding Program Much of the plant agriculture in Florida depends on varieties developed by plant breeders at the University of Florida. Plant breeding research at the University of Florida has lead to new breeding methods, new varieties, and new production systems. Plant breeders are working with molecular biologists to see where new technologies can be applied in Florida. Prospective Students & Program Admissions The University of Florida is a world-wide leader in providing graduate training in plant breeding, and because many other land grant universities have reduced or eliminated their plant breeding programs, it is today more important than ever that we maintain a strong graduate program in plant breeding. NEWS AND INFORMATION Plant Breeding Program Overview Faculty Students UF/IFAS PBWG Breeding Impacts UF Breeding Graduates Worldwide Contact Us Academics Degree Programs Admissions Requirements How to Apply Funding For Int'l Students News and Events Seminar Series Seminar Series Workshop Announcements Awards Employment Opportunities - New Listings Announcements Employment Opportunities Dr. Fred Gmitter 2011 FFVA Researcher of the Year Dr. Paul Lyrene 2011 Florida Agricultural Hall of Fame Inductee

FacultyLocationCropFTE Dr. F. Altpeter, Associate ProfessorGainesvilleBioenergy/Turf 80% Research Dr. A. R. Soffes Blount, Associate Professor North Florida Forage/Turf 70% Research Dr. K. E. Kenworthy, Assistant Professor Gainesville Turfgrass 70% Research Dr. B. L. Tillman, Associate Professor North Florida Peanut 80% Research Agronomy Department Dr. M. J. Davis, ProfessorCitrus REC Papaya 100% Research Plant Pathology

FacultyLocationCropFTE Dr. D. G. Clark, ProfessorGainesville Coleus 70% Research Dr. Z. Deng, Associate ProfessorGulf Coast Caladium, Gerbera Daisy, Lisianthus 80% Research Dr. Rosanna Freyre, Research Scientist Gainesville Ornamentals 100% Research Dr. R. J. Henny, Associate ProfessorMid-Florida Ornamental Foliage Environmental Horticulture

FacultyCropFTE Dr. J. Chaparro, Associate ProfessorGainesvilleStone fruits 70% Research Dr. F. G. Gmitter, Jr., ProfessorCitrus RECCitrus 100% Research Dr. J. W. Grosser, ProfessorCitrus RECCitrus Dr. Samuel Hutton, Assistant Professor Gulf Coast Tomato 80% Research Dr. Huangjun Lu, Assistant ProfessorBelle Glade Lettuce, Turfgrass Dr. J. Olmstead, Assistant ProfessorGainesvilleBlueberry 80% Research Dr. J. W. Scott, ProfessorGulf CoastTomato 80% Research Dr. Vance Whitaker, Assistant Professor Gulf CoastStrawberry 80% Research Horticultural Science

UF BREEDING FACULTY SUMMARY Approximately 16 Breeding Faculty Six positions in Gainesville, others at 5 research centers Three breeders with teaching appointments, others teach breeding related courses

SOME UF PLANT BREEDING CONCERNS Money Teaching Faculty, student numbers in classes Loss of Faculty-wheat, clover (2), squash, sweet corn Marketing of Varieties

A FEW UF PLANT BREEDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS ‘Florida Staysweet’ sh2 sweet corn Low chill blueberries and peaches ‘Festival’ strawberry High oleic peanuts Ice box watermelons Fusarium wilt race 2 and race 3 resistant tomatoes, Tasti-Lee TM tomato

Importance of Florida Foundation Seed Producers to UF Plant Breeders  Vehicle to get cultivars produced and sold  Manage commercialization proposals  Assists with selection of companies to license and sell through contract negotiations  Collect and distribute royalties  Produce seed for peanut and small grains

Importance of Royalties  Key funding source-no deadlines  Allows for enhancement of future variety development  Allows for more fundamental research  Provides funding for graduate student education  Important consideration for administration in filling breeding positions

Rye Grass and Clover Royalty Expenditures, June 2011 – May 2012

Royalties accrued in 2011: $98,140 Total Expenditures (chart): $85,976 [88%]

Royalties accrued in 2011: $ Total Expenditures (chart): $368,376 [91%]

Plant Breeders Expectations Regarding FFSP & FAES Timeliness in dealing with clientele groups: -Documents adequate to protect all parties but not unduly complex -We are willing to help where needed Enforcement of contracts Marketing?? Flexibility- One size does not fit all Maintain breeding program-friendly royalties -