How well do you know your solar system?
1 What is in the center of our Solar System? The Sun!
2 Which planet is known as Earths Twin? Venus!
3 Which planet has a moon named Charon? Pluto!
4 Which planet is the largest planet in our Solar System? Jupiter!
5 Which planet is known as Neptunes Twin? Uranus!
6 Which astronaut was the first American woman to orbit the Earth? Sally Ride!
7 What can be found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter? The Asteroid Belt!
8 Which planet is known as the Ringed Planet? Saturn!
9 Which planet has 2 potato-shaped moons named Phobos and Deimos? Mars!
10 Which planet is closest to the Sun? Mercury!
11 What object in our Solar System is really just a medium size star? The Sun!
12 Which planet is known as the Blue Planet? Neptune!
13 Which spacecraft launched in January of 2006, and headed to visit Pluto? New Horizon!
14 Who became the first person to set foot on the moon? Neil Armstrong!
15 Which planet is known as the Water Planet? Earth!
16 What is Earths only satellite? It has no air and no weather! The Moon!
17 Which planet rotates side ways as it revolves around the Sun? Uranus!
18 Which space probe has a special telescope and camera and is orbiting far above Earth? Hubble Space Station!
19 Which is the hottest planet because of its poisonous clouds? Venus!
20 Which planet is the fifth largest planet in our Solar System? Earth!
21 Which planet is about the same size as our moon? Mercury!
22 Which planet has a huge hurricane-like storm called the Great Red Spot? Jupiter!
23 Who walked on the moon during his 2 nd flight into space and hit 2 golf balls on the moon? Alan Shepard!
24 Which planet has a moon named Triton that orbits opposite of the other moons? Neptune!
25 Which planet is the second largest planet in our Solar System? Saturn!
26 Who became the first American to orbit the Earth? John Glenn!
27 Which planet is known as the Red Planet? Mars!
28 What is the biggest object in our Solar System? The Sun!
29 Which space project will take 88 space flights to assemble? The International Space Station!
30 Which planet takes 365 days to orbit the Sun one time? Earth!
31 Which planet was downgraded and re-designated as a dwarf planet? Pluto!
32 Who flew into space as an older person to research weightlessness? John Glenn!
33 Which planet takes 248 Earth years to orbit the Sun? Pluto!
34 Which planet is almost the same size as Earth? Venus!
35 Which planet is the third closest to the Sun? Earth!
36 Who made the famous quote, Thats one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.? Neil Armstrong!
37 Which space object changes phases as it revolves around the Earth? The Moon!
38 Which planet has dirt that contains clay which is rich in iron? Mars!
39 What provides our planet with heat and light? The Sun!
40 Which planet takes 24 hours to rotate one complete turn? Earth!
41 When is your TEST on the Solar System? Friday!
Make sure you study your planet book and Study Guide notes!