Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Rubric Resources
What is one of the first things you think of when Egypt comes up. Most people think of the pyramids. But those pyramids had to come from somewhere. The Pharaohs had the pyramids built to be their tombs. But what did each of these Pharaohs do throughout their life? Well your going to be making a book of Egyptian Pharaohs that will be displayed in your classroom.
The class will design a book on Egyptian Pharaohs together. You will work with a partner of your choice to find information on a Pharaoh of your choice and design a page to be placed in the book. Each Pharaoh can only be use once, so first come first serve on you choice of the Pharaoh you want. You will be using websites to find information on your pharaoh to complete a book page.
1. Choose a partner to work with. 2. Choose an Egyptian Pharaoh to create a book page about. 3. Get your pharaoh approved by the teacher to make sure no one else is using it yet. 4. Using the websites look up information on your Pharaoh. 5. The page should include the name of your pharaoh, a picture, and telling about their life and achievements. 6. On a piece of paper, draw a mock of what you are going to include on the page you are creating.
7. Show your mock of the page to the teacher for approval. 8. Once approved, close out of your browser, and open Microsoft Word. 9. Begin creating your page. All the information must fit onto one page. 10. Then open up paint on the computer, and if you and your partner choose to, you can create drawings to include on you book page. 11. Raise hand and teacher will come to approve your book page.
12. Make sure to include you and your partners name on the book page. 13. Have the teacher approve the page one more time. 14. Print the book page, make sure the printer setting is on color. 15. Give the page to the teacher to put into the book. 16. Now you can enjoy a book on Egyptian Pharaohs. pharaohs.html pharaohs.html kingdom/pharaohs.html kingdom/pharaohs.html menu.htm menu.htm
Review the rubric below to see how you will be graded. WebQuest Rubric.docx
Congratulations, your class has just created a book on the Egyptian Pharaohs. You are all published authors now. This book will be displayed in the classroom for you or anyone that wishes to look at it. I hope to see some of your names in the future on the Best Seller’s List!