Results of a Counselor Intervention Program at Woodbrook Middle School
What is “WhyTry”? Uses metaphor and visual analogies Overarching question: “Why try in life?” WhyTry uses specific language to connect kids with life
EXAMPLE – “Tearing Off Labels” Question: Have you ever been given a negative label based on your actions? Discussion You can ‘tear off’ your negative labels and let people see the ‘real you’. Challenge: Don’t live up to negative labels. Identify and focus on your strengths to help you find the “REAL YOU”
ASCA Standards Academic Standards A, B, C Career Development Standards A & B Personal/Social Standards A, B, C
EALRS Reading 2.2, 4.1 Writing 4.1, 4.2 Communication 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.2, 4.4 Math 2.1, 2.2, 4.1, 4.2 Social Studies 3.1.3a, 3.1.3b, 3.1.3c …..and more!!!
Rational and Process Many students were not successful in other classes. Those students were referred for WhyTry 10 kids were selected Research based WhyTry Curriculum implemented Daily 50 minute sessions for 9 weeks (one quarter)
Participants 10 Students 4 – 6 th gr. boys 4 – 7 th gr. boys 1 – 7 th gr. girl 1 – 8 th gr. boy
Results Data Attendance 5 students - increased. (4-16 more days) 4 students - No change (was not a problem area) 1 student - decreased Data compared from Sept thru Jan/Feb thru May
More Results……Academic Grades 7 students – increased GPA (range.02 – 1.63 pts.) 3 students – decreased GPA (range.33 – 1.26 pts) F’s 2 students – improved (0 F’s) 6 students - no change (0 -1 F ) 2 students – decreased (1 -3 F’s)
…And More Results….Behavior Office Referrals 4 students. reduced (range 1-5) 3 students – same (0-1 ref) 3 students – increased (range 1-4) Suspensions 3 students decreased 6 students – same (no susp. before, during, or after) 1 student suspended during program, none after.
Perception Data PRE “I think this program could help me” 6-YES POST “I learned more than I thought I would?” 8 – YES 1 - NO 1- IDK *** “I believe these skills will help me in the future” 8-YES 1- NO 1- IDK *** “I believe I have the skills I need to be successful” 8 students reported HIGH CONFIDENCE *** “I will use the skills I have learned” 9 students reported HIGH CONFIDENCE
Final Group Activity Kids worked together Accepting help from others Took turns Offered suggestions Reached out to each other
Implications Students improved in their target areas (acad/att/beh). Students were able to self-reflect more accurately. Teachers saw multiple levels of change in daily classroom behavior/effort. Most students requested ongoing support after class ended.
Recommendations for Next Year Begin intervention class first quarter. Provide a plan for follow up. Incorporate Student Success Skills during follow up sessions. Offer the class to a greater number of students throughout the year.
Thank you for your time. Susie Sarachman